Something Great
Maybe it’s because I’ve gotten into the habit of listening to my heart all the time lately, but I don’t feel so nervous in situations where I’m being tested. No matter what I am asked, there is no way I can say something “great” that would impress people, and I don’t need to be ashamed of myself for not being able to say it. If I were to say that I am open-minded, I might be right. I feel less nervous now that I’ve learned to think, “What will be will be,” and stop preparing myself. I feel a little more at ease.
I wonder how much I’ve been pushing myself to make myself look good. I don’t mean to pretend that I have something that I don’t, but I may have said something similar. I think I was trying my best to say something “great”. For example, I may have tried to get into a university on my own without using high school recommendations, went to Canada by myself, or started my own company in order to create such a “great story. It may have sounded good to say that I was trying to make my dreams come true, but looking back on it now, it may have been a way of “stretching” myself to qualify to be the main character in a story of my own creation. I didn’t know what I was looking for deep down, and I’m still searching for it.
One of the things that has been bothering me lately is that when I talk to people about what I’m up to, I wonder if I sound like I’m bragging. When I talk about things that are completely true to me, like studying the Bible, losing weight, swimming, writing a blog, studying English, etc., it leaves me with the impression that I’m talking in a pompous manner. A sarcastic old man. It’s not that anyone has pointed this out to me, but I’m trying to refrain from saying too much. No one listens to me when I say, “It’s definitely better to do housework every day. As for me, my recent private actions are completely different from the aforementioned “actions to make myself look good,” which are really actions that I took from the bottom of my heart.
Thinking, writing a blog, listening to my heart, praying. There are several ways to look at yourself, and for me, they are all ways to connect with God and Jesus. My recent feeling is that if I can do this, I don’t need to be overly afraid of anything. That’s all I can do, or if I want to change or control something, it’s out of my control. I think it’s wrong to think that I can do something about it. Just do the best you can. Put all your wisdom, experience, and strength into it, and live life to the fullest. The results will be prepared by God.
I don’t know if what I am doing now is right or not. Even with the many experiences that I have strived for in the past, I was working hard because I believed it was the right thing to do at the time, and I can say whatever I want later. All that has passed, and I am an extension of it, and the question is how to live tomorrow. Alone, I close my eyes, fold my hands, calm my mind, and look into my heart. Christian or not, it will be a meaningful time.
Nothing was wasted.