
投稿者: | 2022-01-24








 We are experiencing the midst of a once-in-a-century epidemic. In the past two years, 18,503 people have died in Japan alone, and the disease has been affecting around 50,000 people a day for some time now. There is no doubt that this is a serious emergency. After two years of restrained living, people seem to be tired.
 Social activities have been forced to stagnate, and the scars left by the yet-to-be-revealed corona must be quite large. I think the truth is that people are now so busy trying to figure out how to respond to this emergency that they cannot think about what will happen after the corona is resolved. As the situation continues to be unpredictable as to when it will stop, the socially vulnerable are becoming increasingly impoverished. On the other hand, some of the world’s richest people have seen their assets double due to the Corona disaster. How on earth does this happen?

 In the end, we just have to go with the flow and do as we are told. I have no intention of participating in a demonstration to demand the removal of regulations. It’s not that I’m dissatisfied with the government’s policies, and I haven’t heard of any such demonstrations taking place in Japan. I have already had two doses of the vaccine. I wear a mask to work, and I take my temperature and disinfect my hands frequently. Do not go to dense places and be careful about ventilation. And avoid going out unnecessarily. I am an exemplary citizen. But I’m not special, and most people follow it honestly.

 I shudder to think what will happen if this continues for another year. Most junior high schools and high schools, for example, take three years to complete their courses. If things continue as they are, there is a possibility that each of the new students from two years ago will graduate without seeing the true faces of their classmates. Even if the corona converges, removing the mask seems to be another step beyond that, so we can already assume that it will happen in reality. If you have never seen someone’s face without a mask, there is a big chance that you would not recognize them even if you met them somewhere after graduation. Isn’t the face, including the mouth and other facial expressions, important? To put it bluntly, you will be left with only a half-hearted memory. It’s a feeling I can’t imagine.

 I think that there are many things that are considered to be a break in time, not only during the student years, but also during the three or four year period, such as personnel changes and opportunities to change jobs. In my office, there are two people who came to work three years ago and will be moving on this spring, barely looking at each other from halfway down. I didn’t have much opportunity to get to know them, but that’s why I feel sad. I have the impression that the connection between people has diminished. I feel that the effects of this corona will only be felt in the future.
 Still, I would like to believe that somewhere else, there are bonds that have been strengthened because of these difficult times. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are stories about how good things have been because of the corona. I want there to be. Not just stories about billionaires.

 I’m so helpless!


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