
投稿者: | 2022-02-06








 I watched a drama series called “Humans” on Amazon Prime. It was set in London in the near future, where a large number of human-like high-performance robots are provided to human society to support human life. The robots are almost as good as humans except for their lack of emotions, and they are loyal to their owners. And it can take care of all the household chores, drive the car, and take care of the owner’s health. The fact that it can be bought for about the price of a mid-level new car makes me think that it would be a great invention, especially in Japan’s aging society. Even if you’re not an elderly person, I think it would be very useful for families where both parents work and don’t have a lot of time to devote to household chores. I want it so badly.

 The story of this drama is the same as any other “robot” story, where the robots themselves start to have consciousness and emotions, and all sorts of problems arise. Since this was not just one movie, but a series that ran for three seasons, I had plenty of time to think about it. It made me think long and hard about humanity as robots with emotions confront the problems they face in society.
 In this film, the robot is a slave, a foreigner, a person of color in a sense, and a “foreign” person. They were also capable, accurate, strong, quick, tireless, and dangerous to humans, shaking the economic foundations of their lives. The real world has proven that when we assume that such an existence will come into our lives not only temporarily but permanently, problems will naturally arise. This work has a great deal of bitter satire in it.

 In one scene, a robot says to a human being, “I’m not afraid of death,” and the human says, “You should be. He then says, “If you are not afraid of death, you are not really alive. You’re just existing.” He continues. Whether or not robots should be expected to live the same way as humans is debatable, but I felt that the creator’s idea that human “living” is inseparable from “dying” was evident in this film. In other words, death is always there, and that is why we are able to live.
 In the conversation between the robots, one of the robots criticized humans, saying that humans only think about preserving their own species. The other robot asked, “Why do you want to attack humans?” He replied, “To take supplies from them and replace our deteriorating body parts.

 The question of “how to live” is a life question, and I guess it is not so easy to answer. It is often hard to look at oneself, but I would like to think about it without running away from it. Because of the difficulty of the question, I think it is sometimes possible to throw oneself into an unusual setting like this “Humans” and think about it. I enjoyed it.

 It’s a shame that it was cut short after 3! What a shame.


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