予習[Preparation for a lesson]

投稿者: | 2022-03-16







Preparation for a lesson

 For the past few days, I have been attending a training program for two hours a day. Although it is only two hours, I feel very tired afterwards, perhaps because I am concentrating so hard. I am not sure if it is because I am concentrating or because I am nervous, but it has been a long time since I have been in such a “teaching” environment, and perhaps my shoulders have become strangely tense. I feel fresh, but still feel very fatigued.

 I am somewhat impressed to think that up until high school, I had to take six periods of these “classes” every day. Perhaps if I did it now, I would not be able to endure it. First of all, I don’t think I would have the physical strength to handle it. I feel once again that high school students have tremendous physical strength. I dozed off in class after lunch, or simply got bored because I couldn’t concentrate. That’s a lot of work in one day. It’s a little hard to believe when I think about all the club activities and such that I had to do afterwards. Of course, that is if you are serious about your classes.

 Adults often say the line, “If only I had studied more when I was a student …….” I’m not really the type of person who wants to go back in time, but, well, I can’t say I don’t think so. There is no denying that if I had been able to take classes back then with the same intensity that I am training now for 6 hours every day, I could have gone to a better university. In other words, I was not a good student who faced class well.
 I never really studied, but for a brief period of time, I was addicted to learning. To my surprise, there was a time when I thought studying was fun. The most important part of the study process I practiced at that time was “preparation. As if I had realized, “Study is something you do on your own, and the class is just a place to check and verify what you have learned, as well as a time to ask questions about what you did not understand on your own. If I could do that, I could approach class with a challenge and interest, which increased the value of the class itself in my mind and created a synergistic effect. It was a law that I had discovered on my own by chance, not something I had learned from someone else.
 Even though I actually experienced this, I was still the type of person who could not take action unless I was pushed into a corner from that time on, and in the end I did not last long. Perhaps it was a little too late in high school for me to get used to the idea of doing preparatory studies in advance.

 I don’t think it is wrong to think that self-preparation is important. Simply memorizing what you have been taught may get you a good score on the test at the time, but you will probably forget it soon and it will not become your “power. Learning that is stored as “power” of one’s own volition may be forgotten by the conscious mind, but it seems to remain somewhere in the mind.
 Unfortunately, even though they are motivated, they have lost their physical strength, and it is no longer possible to convert large amounts of information into power in a short period of time as high school students can do. But it is possible if you are not greedy. I don’t feel the need to rush, so just take your time. I think I am finally getting used to it here.

 I was saved by gym class and all that…


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