Success Story
Someone once said, “I’d rather hear about your failures than your successes.” This was a conversation just before attending one of the lectures. I basically agree, although it depends on my mood at the time and who I am listening to. Failure experiences are much easier for me to relive. I guess that’s how many failures I’ve had in my life.
There are many stories that attribute success to making lots of money. I, too, am in debt and would love to make a fortune, but the story tends to be a bit unrealistic and I end up listening to it. If I am going to spend the same amount of time listening seriously, I want to leave an afterimage in my mind, at least enough to become a story.
There are books called self-help books. I want to bring out more of something like my potential, so I try to do things that are easy to do, for example, I am right-handed and try to brush my teeth with my left hand, or take a quiz on whole-brain training. As part of that, I read such books, and most of them say things like, “If you believe in yourself and keep trying, you will be rewarded,” or “Don’t create limits in yourself!” The content is summed up in the following words.
I don’t think that is wrong, and it is certainly encouraging in some respects. So I can understand why such books sell well. However, I don’t find them inspiring or moving. The authors must have really succeeded in the way the book describes, not by lying. It is an admirable achievement, and I think that is why it is even published as a “book. But does that necessarily apply to me? If I steadily imitate them as they instruct, will I be able to achieve success as well?
This is just one of the few books I have read, so maybe there are other self-help books that would be a good fit for me. I would love to see them, but I have my own mission and my own way of doing things, and while it is very encouraging to read them as a reference, I guess I will have to find my own way.
There was a story in the newspaper about a famous musician who had set his sights on becoming a musician in the future since he was in elementary school, and even drew up a specific road map. And it turned out to be true. This is an example of how “continuing to believe in oneself and not setting any limits” has resulted in a successful sublimation. I think this is a wonderful success story.
But then, if a person did not have a clear vision in elementary school, is he or she no longer good? Can a person who lacks foresight not succeed? As we live our lives, our likes change, our hidden selves come to the surface, and our goals and dreams change along the way, and no one can stop that, and I think that is fine.
Therefore, I would like to live today firmly, looking into my heart and mind, without putting a spell on myself that says, “This is the way it must be. Even if my life is not something I can be proud of, that is fine. The only binding thing is that I must not stop attempting to realize my unique mission.
What is “success” in the first place?