お腹いっぱい[Full Up]

投稿者: | 2022-04-26







Full Up

 I study English by listening to English conversation CDs in the car on my way to and from work. The other day, as I was listening to the CD as usual, the content was an exchange between a customer and a waitress at a restaurant. When the customer finished his meal, the waitress asked him, “Would you like some dessert? to which the waitress replied, “I’m too full to eat.
 I thought to myself, “Of course I am. If I had decided from the beginning to eat dessert last, I would have no problem at all eating it, but adding more once my body has recognized that I am done eating is difficult for me to accept.

 The most important thing I pay attention to when it comes to eating is to “not leave any leftovers. In other words, I take it for granted that I will eat up everything that is given to me. Putting aside the question of discipline, it is physiologically impossible for me to leave food uneaten. That is my basic premise.
 I am not very good at kaiseki cuisine, full course meals, and other patterns where the next dish is served after you have finished eating, partly because I am not used to it. It is because it is difficult to predict how much food will be served in the end. At home, my family prepares five or six dishes and puts them on the table from the beginning, so it is easy for me to calculate how fast I can comfortably finish them, consulting my own stomach space in my mind. My calculations in this area are quite accurate. It is as if my eyes capture the total amount of food I will eat at that meal before I eat it, and the process of eating until my satiety center puts a stop to my eating is determined.
 Sometimes, however, my mother thinks, “Oh! I forgot to serve it!” she sometimes forget to serve something “heavy,” such as gratin or pizza that she had heated in the microwave, and it appears just as I am about to finish eating it. When this happens, I even get angry. I’m not listening to that!” I am already full, but I feel a sense of duty to follow the basic premise, so I finish the meal while belching and belching.

 The same thing can be said of work. When there is a lot of work to be done, I must grasp the overall workload and sort out the amount that can be done in a day. Then, prioritize the tasks and decide the order in which to start them, scheduling the difficult ones in the morning when the workers are not yet tired, etc. If, by the end of the workday, the workload is completed as planned, I am satisfied that it was a very “good” day.
 If, however, I am suddenly thrown a different task, I may feel angry, depending on the situation. It would be cool if I could act nonchalant and dash around in such unscheduled situations, but it is not so easy when I am asked to do something that is too “heavy” for me to handle easily. Do you even know how hard this is? I would never say it out loud, but I would respond in a snippy tone.

 I don’t like to have my pace disturbed. Maybe it’s the same for everyone. I guess it is in these situations that humanity is really tested, but I don’t seem to have matured in that area.
 Maybe I need to leave it at times without overdoing it. Maybe I should say goodbye to my own pointless obsessions and live a little more relaxed. Maybe that would lower my blood pressure a little more.

 I’m learning English just fine.


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