The Only Living Boy in New York

投稿者: | 2022-05-04


 ケイト・ベッキンセールが出演している作品ではアクションものが多い。少なくとも私が観た中では、ほとんどがそうだと思う。彼女は恐ろしいほどの美貌もさることながら、意志の強さというか、アクションを含めた“強い”女を演じさせたら、最近は一番カッコいい女優さんだと思う。つい先日まで観ていた「The Widow」という連続ドラマでも、素晴らしい演技を見せてくれた。そんなに出演しまくって、身体は大丈夫なのかと思うほど、今売れている印象がある。制作側として、使いたくなる気持ちも分かる気がする。





The Only Living Boy in New York

 I watched the movie “The Only Living Boy in New York”. This was unquestionably good. It was the nicest movie I’ve seen in a long time, maybe since I saw Will Smith’s “It’s a Wonderful Life”. There are no action scenes, which I love, so I don’t recommend it if you want to relieve your frustration or if you are looking for something exciting and stimulating, but it was a nice, quiet and sad movie. I was looking for a movie with actress Kate Beckinsale because I am a big fan of hers, and I watched it on Amazon Prime and decided to watch it because of the four stars in the film’s rating.
 I find this star count very helpful. It can certainly be off. There have been films that have 4.5 stars but have disappointed me. However, I think that they are usually right on the money. It seems to be in line with my taste. It is a little difficult to use a single-digit number of evaluators as a reference, but if more than 100 people rated it with 4 stars, I think it is highly credible. One of my mottos is “Nothing in life is a waste of time,” but I would prefer not to spend more than an hour and a half and end up saying that it was not interesting.

 Many of the films with Kate Beckinsale are action ones. At least most of them that I’ve seen. I think she is the coolest actress these days when it comes to playing a strong-willed or “strong” woman, including action roles, in addition to her terrifying good looks. She also gave a wonderful performance in the drama series “The Widow,” which I was watching just the other day. I have the impression that she is selling so well right now that I wonder if she is physically okay after so many appearances. I can understand why the producers would want to use her.

 I think all of her films that I have seen have starred her, but this time, she played a supporting role, although she was the central character. Specifically, she was the lover of the protagonist’s father. She may be a “bad girl,” but she also has a shadowy side that is frightened of loneliness, and a weak side that is easily swayed by her emotions. She is an “adult” woman who is smart, knowledgeable, and experienced in her own right. I think it is only natural that a 25-6 year old man, fresh out of college, would be attracted to her, even after learning about her relationship with his father. I don’t think the main character fell in love with Kate because he was young.

 There is no doubt that the young protagonist was at the center of the story, but the work quietly and quietly conveyed the way of life, views on life, and anguish of the adults surrounding him. My personal impression, as I looked at each of the characters, was that “I can understand others well, but what I don’t understand the most is always ‘myself.
 There are times when human beings are given an environment in which they cannot live as they wish. However, as long as we are alive, some force will work on us and we will see the light. This work reminded me once again that happiness is not always found in the place you believed it would be. The “bad woman” who stirred up the story may have been an angel.

 The New York I didn’t know was very fascinating!


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