マスク[Surgical Mask]

投稿者: | 2022-06-02







Surgical Mask

 I have been wearing a mask for as long as three years now. Habit is a terrible thing, and wearing a mask has become a part of my daily routine. I wear a mask like I wear a wristwatch when I go out or like I hold the key to my house. When I drive a car alone, I do not wear a mask, but looking at oncoming cars, it seems that a good percentage of them are wearing one. Also, when I am running along the river, even people walking or biking are wearing masks. I suppose that as the coronas converge more, they will stop doing it, but right now it is a bit hard to imagine.

 Many Japanese, especially women, hide their mouths when they smile. I wonder if this is no longer the case among young people. From a foreigner’s point of view, it seems to be an unnatural gesture to cover the mouth. They tend to suspect that there might be some disease or something in the mouth that they don’t want others to see. Come to think of it, I don’t recall seeing many foreigners smiling with their hands over their mouths. If they wear a mask, they do not need to put their hands on their mouths, because people cannot see the inside of their mouths even if they open their mouths wide, but I have seen people putting their hands on their masks. It is a terrible thing to be a habit at all.
 But in fact, I am sure that there are probably people who have stopped putting their hands on their masks because they are wearing them, even if they are laughing. It’s been three years now. If those people go back to not wearing masks, will they also go back to laughing? It may not matter, but if Corona has changed the way Japanese people laugh, it is something to be deeply moved by.

 I hear that lipstick is not selling well in the world. More and more women are wearing no makeup because they can’t see anything below their eyes because they are wearing masks anyway, and this situation has taken hold. Speaking of which, the other day I happened to witness a female colleague taking off her mask to have a cup of tea, and she was not wearing any makeup. I feel that the influence of the corona is immeasurable when such small details are taken into consideration.
 Unlike in other countries, the Japanese people respond to government notices in the form of a “request” rather than an obligation, and they do so with sincerity. I do not know whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. But I truly and honestly feel that they are a great people.

 Now, many tourists are coming from countries that no longer require them to wear masks. How will we Japanese respond to them? It has been a long time since the revival of cross-border exchanges between people has been long awaited. Economic recovery is also long overdue. Now that it is finally becoming a reality, it is time to test the human power of the Japanese people. Can we tell people from overseas to wear masks in the streets, on trains, and at their accommodations? Or do we read the “atmosphere” and leave it to the discretion of the customer? What is the right way to offer it? Or, do they not? I would like to watch with interest. Thinking about how to respond to such a situation myself.

 I have two “fashionable masks.


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