Hallmark of Life
This is how I write my blog every day. The content of my writing may not be praiseworthy, but I am writing every day anyway. I would like to continue writing for a while longer, but it is also true that I spend each day full of anxiety, wondering how much longer I can continue. Frankly, it’s painful. Even when I am sleeping, my mind is always searching for something to write about. Although I get plenty of sleep, I never have time to sleep.
My life is supported by the fact that I continue to write. On days like today, when I don’t do anything, which is not a bad thing since it is a holiday, but I spend all morning watching videos, I can at least leave “proof” that I “lived” the day by writing a blog. This evidence helps to support my self-esteem. It’s pathetic, but it’s my truth. I wish I could be energetic even on my days off, volunteering or whatever, but my weak heart often chooses the easy option of “doing nothing.
I don’t want to use this fact that I am writing as a reason or excuse for not moving. I don’t want to console myself with the logic that “I’m writing, so I’m great,” or “As long as I’m writing, I don’t have to do anything. I find myself trying to justify my inability to move by using writing as my cover. I didn’t want to be that kind of person. But the facts prove that I am.
I really dread thinking about what I am going to write about every day. Sometimes, no matter how much I think about it, I can’t come up with anything. Looking back, those days are all I can think of. I feel trapped, thinking, “Oh, no, all my hard work is over. It is true that I often endure this pressure.
Both thinking of a story and the actual writing process consume a lot of energy. Even though it takes me much less time to write, it is not an easy task to complete a day’s worth of blogging. Perhaps my body naturally needs a rest. Maybe my brain is sending out an SOS, telling me to at least take a day off.
But I don’t want to use that as an excuse. This blog is something I want to do, in other words, something I do out of selfishness, not the kind of act that says, “As long as I do this, I can fulfill my role in society. Do not justify keeping to yourself and distancing yourself from society. Do not be lenient.
I want to do what I need to do, and then continue this blog as an added bonus. Otherwise, this blog will become a hotbed of excuses. If that happens, I think we should stop now. Because I want to continue, I have to work hard on other things.
I am doing well. I am doing well, which is why I am a little tired. I am experiencing the difficulty of keeping going.
That’s 551 days in a row.