信頼の脆さ[The fragility of trust]

投稿者: | 2022-07-19







The fragility of trust

 There is a concern that I hold very dear to my heart and seriously consider all the time. It is a matter that could be called my “secret,” and I once discussed it with a trusted acquaintance. The person listened to me with a mysterious face when I told him, but the other day, some time later, he brought up the subject of my worries and made fun of me.
 I like to joke and often include laughter in my stories, and when I am the listener, I like to listen to pleasant topics in a friendly atmosphere if possible. I may be known around others as a person with a relatively cheerful personality. Perhaps this was a fault, but this time I had a very hard time. The degree of disappointment was great because he was someone I trusted. It would have been fine if it was just a casual conversation, but it is hard to be told what is bothering you or what you are keeping a secret from others. I felt very angry, even though he was a person who had always taken care of me.

 If I had protested properly or shown my anger at the time, it might not have dragged on, but I am always unable to respond in such a resolute manner. It’s a shameful thing to say, but that’s the way it always goes. I was surprised that he would make fun of me like that. No matter how deeply the person in question may have been troubled, once time passes, another person’s secret may be just like that. I regretted from the bottom of my heart that I had confided in that person and discussed it with him.

 It is unlikely that my problem will ever come up again when I talk with this person in the future. If it does, I will do my best to prevent it. I will change the topic and avoid it. I think it’s the natural thing to do. I don’t want to get hurt any more. This means that my relationship with the person, or rather, the way I deal with him, will change. When I have other problems in the future, I will no longer consult this person. The trust I had placed in this person has been damaged.
 A single conversation like this can destroy a relationship. How fleeting. The relationship that had been built over the years of our association collapsed with a single sound. It is unfortunate, but it makes you realize that things like “connections” and “bonds” that you thought were so important are so fragile.

 Since it is difficult to recover from the shock of this event, I have taken a deeper look into the matter. I do not want to “compare” anything at any time, if I can help it, based on my own subjective judgment. If I compare something to something else based on my own criteria, it becomes difficult to make a relative judgment, and I think it is meaningless. This time, however, I was tempted to use that forbidden technique. I compared them to my best friend, whom I trust the most, and wondered if he would have treated my concerns lightly in this way. As a result, I thought absolutely not. I mean, I couldn’t even imagine my best friend doing such a thing. I thought to myself, “That’s the difference.” What I have come to realize is that my “trust” in this person in question this time may have only been at that level. In other words, it was a relationship that could be shattered by a single failure.
 It was foolish of me to confide in someone with whom I had only built that level of trust about an important problem of mine that I did not want others to know about. Thinking of it this way, I feel as if some of the tension in my chest has been lifted. I feel sad that I have lost touch with the person with whom I was so close, but I feel that there is nothing more I can do about it. Unfortunately, I want to forget about it as soon as possible.

 I’m getting angry at him.


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