実験心理学の罠[The Experimental Psychology Trap]

投稿者: | 2022-08-01







The Experimental Psychology Trap

 I took a year off to enter a night college in Tokyo. It was not because I wanted to enter a night college, but because it was the only place I could get in. My major was psychology. I wanted to study psychology, so rather than choosing a university, I first looked for a place where I could study psychology, and that is how I ended up at that university.
 Thirty years ago in Japan, the term “counselor” existed, but I think there were still very few people who could make a living as a profession. I have not researched it. I heard that counselors were shunned by psychiatrists. If you want to work with mental illness, go to medical school. But I was still interested in the human mind, so I decided to study psychology anyway, regardless of whether I wanted to become a counselor or not, since I had already entered the university.

 For various reasons, I ended up not fitting in at the university, and although I did graduate, it took me six years to do so. In other words, I stayed in school twice. I had already reached a certain age when I graduated. I worked only part-time and did not go to the university very often. Or rather, I did not like the atmosphere of the university and did not want to go there.
 The reason I stayed in school twice was because I couldn’t get the credit for one required class, and I lost two years because of it. The class was called “Experimental Psychology,” and although experimentation may be a part of psychology, I had no idea how it would help me learn about the human mind, and it was difficult for me to submit a report. The class proceeded as if we were to form groups and experiment on each other, but I was unable to make many friends at the university, so I struggled with that part of the class as well. I did my best and managed to submit a report, but the quality of the report was probably too low, and I did not receive any credits. It is really a bitter memory.

 I have almost no good memories of the university. It is no wonder that I did not go to college very often. That is why I have little love for the school. Even if my alma mater competed in the Hakone Ekiden at New Year’s, I would not feel any particular desire to cheer for them. Whenever I think back to my college days, that experiment class is always the first thing that comes to mind. It is ironic that I can remember so little else, and yet I am reminded of that one class that was a complete disaster. I guess that’s how frustrated I was. I really don’t want to remember those days because I don’t want to feel bad.

 I believe that nothing in life is wasted, so I guess my bitter experience at the university has become something for me. If I were to look for a lesson, it might have been “no excuses,” “awareness of my own human weakness,” or “life will turn out the way it turns out,” which is the lesson I learned. However, in my mind, this period of my life is still a dark memory that I would rather not remember. It will take some time before I can think positively about it.
 However, I do have the sense that the experience of coming to Tokyo alone from the countryside, dreaming of the city, and being confronted with the harsh realities of the world was valuable.

 I still don’t like the idea of frustration being the best memory.


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