掟[a code]

投稿者: | 2022-08-11





 教会、また行くか!? いやぁ~?


a code

 I believe in the Christian God and have no doubts there. I honestly think to myself, “I really believe in him!” and I feel that way about anything. So “confident” sounds a bit strange, but I have never felt shaky there.
 But I am still not baptized. I am not a Christian. I have an ironclad rule in my mind that says, “This is what a Christian must be like,” and I am not sure if I can live up to that rule in the future. In other words, I have been putting a stop to myself for a long time.

 The word “code” sounds like an exaggeration, but there is only one code. I have to go to church every Sunday and attend the service. However, this is quite difficult. When I go to church, there were many senior members of the congregation, including Rev, and if I attend the service, I inevitably end up in their circle.
 In my case, I have no problem in “going to church every week,” but I have a hard time getting along with the senior members of the congregation. I would rather stay at home and pray to God alone for the same amount of time than be bothered by such hassles, which makes me feel like I could do a much better job as a Christian. However, I feel that I am not qualified to be a Christian if I don’t understand the importance of such a gathering of believers and praying together, because there is a deeper meaning in Christianity that I have yet to learn.

 As someone who has been burdened with the “pain” of believing in God but not taking the step to be baptized in such a way, I am astonished by those who are baptized as easily as if they were joining a local club or sports club. As far as I know, these people stop going to church. I cannot tolerate such people. I don’t care how they came to Christianity, but once they become Christians, I think it is their duty to continue attending church.

 Only one “code” binds me in this way. For me, Christianity should not be like a hobby that changes from time to time, depending on my mood at the time. That’s fine, because that’s my way of thinking. You can worry about it as much as you want and think about it as much as you want. But the problem is that I think it should be the same for everyone.
 Someone told me yesterday that God doesn’t hate people who are baptized just for fun. I still have a hard time accepting this, but I think it may be true. Somehow I seem to have become a scribe following a code made up by a man named me. Each person has his or her own relationship with God, and it may be wrong for me to say anything about it. It is possible that one day they will come back to church for some reason. Besides, there is no way I can say anything about it, since I don’t go to church.

 Church, do you want to go back! No~?


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