自由と平等[Freedom and Equality]

投稿者: | 2022-08-17



 私たちが考えるような“普通” の生活ではなく、強制されるままに掟に従って生きるのもその人の自由だ。生まれた村から一生出ることなしに、成長して子供を産み、育て、そして死んでいく。そういう人生を彼女たちが望むのであれば、それもその人の自由だと思う。それは前述の「リスク」を回避できる一つの手段かもしれない。しかしそこから逃れたいという気持ちがあるにもかかわらず、誰かが彼女たちを強制的に閉じ込めておくようなことをしているのなら、これはダメだと思う。




Freedom and Equality

 Afghan women are told that they are restricted in their freedom to study and work, as well as in the clothing they wear, which must cover their faces. They are doing so in accordance with the leadership of the Islamist organization that actually controls Afghanistan. The “winds of freedom” that swept over Afghanistan during the 20 years of the U.S. military presence there seem to have returned civilian life to its former state once the U.S. troops were completely withdrawn.

 From a humanitarian point of view, “This is unacceptable. Freedom for Afghan women! But that is what I consider “normal,” and I am not sure if it applies to all Afghan women. It is ridiculous for me to lightly discuss such a distant country and people who are so different in language, religion, environment, and everything else. I am interested in the news and the information on the Internet, but it is only desk logic, heavily influenced by the culture of the Western world. I think it is wrong to act as if our ideas are the only righteousness that can be applied anywhere in the world.
 If these women do not stand up for themselves, it will be difficult to reach out to them from the outside. It is very dangerous for a foreign country to take up some news reports and take them as if they are the consensus of the citizens and start interfering, and it may end up as “unnecessary meddling. I think that the first thing we need to do is to act to solve our own country’s problems, not on an individual level, but basically by ourselves. Only when the dominant power tries to suppress such activities by force will international organizations be allowed to intervene. I imagine that Afghanistan is in a situation similar to that now. But they may not even know how to raise their voices.

 I have already mentioned that I do not think it is meaningful to lightly discuss “what is best for Afghanistan. However, what I think is “good to say” for all human beings, regardless of religious beliefs, racial differences, etc., is freedom and equality. I believe that each human being has the right to choose, unhindered by anything. Whether the result of that choice is to be eaten up or to meet a tragic end, it is the responsibility of the person who made the choice. I believe that everyone should have the equal right and freedom to act to realize the dreams and goals that have grown in their hearts and minds, while bearing the risk.
 It is up to each one of us to live according to the rules we are forced to follow, rather than living a “normal” life as we think of it. They can grow up, have children, raise them, and die without ever leaving the village where they were born. If they want to live that kind of life, that too is their freedom. That may be one way to avoid the aforementioned “risk. However, if someone is forcing them to stay there, despite their desire to escape, I think this is a bad idea.

 I think we need to absorb more and more what is really needed and what they want to do for the women of Afghanistan. To do this, foreign media and international organizations probably need to actually go into Afghanistan more and do more activities. However, if the ruling forces prevent them from doing so, the future of Afghanistan is still in doubt. If they are captured or killed, there is nothing to be done.
 I don’t want to “meddle. However, I would like to believe that such an attitude of going beyond national boundaries and leaning body and soul to help those who are suffering will lead to the creation of peace.

 Freedom and Equality” is just another Western “nonsense”?


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