点と線[Points and Lines]

投稿者: | 2022-09-29







Points and Lines

 I didn’t study much in college either. The most concentrated time in my life was during my first and second year of junior high school, and after that, I don’t feel that I studied seriously. I spent much more time on the high school and university entrance examinations, but the core of my motivation, the motivation that came from the bottom of my heart, was not as strong as it was in the first and second years of junior high school. In truth, that was not enough, but I could not help it. After entering the age of entrance examinations, I remember that I always felt a kind of emptiness in my life.

 Even so, I was allowed to enter university, and I majored in psychology. In my senior year, I wrote and submitted my senior thesis. The normal way to write a senior thesis is to ask your professor for advice and complete it, but I did not attend my classes very well, and I finished it without once going to my professor for advice. Somehow I was able to receive credit for my work, but I still find it puzzling how I was able to pass the exam in such a manner. It was a “miracle” for me that I was able to pass the exam even though I had never submitted a thesis structure, a test paper, or even a topic on what I was going to write about.
 The impression I am getting is that my professor gave up on me. There were probably many other students like me who were not able to follow the prescribed procedures. It is easy to imagine that it would have taken a lot of effort to correct each and every one of these troublesome students. I think the professor decided that it would be unwise to spend time on me by rejecting me. I think this is a bad attitude for an educator, but I was saved by his lazy attitude. If I had been rejected there, my life would have been very different after that.

 I don’t think at all that I would have received credits even if I had skipped the consultations and reports along the way if the content of my thesis had been excellent. For my part, there is no doubt that I would have written harder and more seriously than I have in a long time, but alas, that is not likely to be the case. I studied and wrote mainly from Maslow’s book “The Psychology of Human Nature,” but now I don’t even remember what I wrote. I just remember that in the concluding sentence I included the phrase, “This thesis is the culmination of my years of research.
 It wasn’t many years, because I probably spent only a couple of months writing my thesis. I was a college student, so I must have been about 23 years old, and it seems a bit strange to use the word “many years” at that age. But I used that word with great seriousness. My dissertation was indeed a study of Maslow, but I had slapped my previous “interpretation of my life” on the paper, confirming its authenticity through Maslow.

 It is now almost two years since I started this blog, and I could be writing my thesis every day. I guess that means I am updating every day a report of the results of my research over the years.
 I don’t know exactly how the thesis I wrote 30 years ago relates to the blog I am writing now. But I feel a sense of destiny when I think that something like the origin of what I am writing every day now was in my graduation thesis at university, and that this kind of grounding or nature has been in me since long ago.

 If I read it now, I would be embarrassed.


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