内なる変化[Inner Change]

投稿者: | 2022-10-19







Inner Change

 Sometimes I want to “change this person” or “change the world” as I see fit. Whether I can bring about a dramatic change in people’s hearts remains to be seen, but it is extremely difficult. As you can imagine, at my age, even though I realize that it is impossible unless a miracle happens, but I still feel that there is a part of me that has not given up on making it happen. Yes, I will always be a foolish creature.

 Someone once said, “If you want to change others, you must change yourself. I have no way of confirming whether this is true or not, but I sincerely feel that it is true. That is, if I change myself, it is possible that others will change as well. At the same time, it means that it is not in my power to change others as I wish. That person may change under the influence of my change, but I cannot predict how they will change. I do not know if they will change as I wish. Perhaps he or she will change in the exact opposite direction of what I hope for. In other words, even if the person changes, the way he or she changes is left to something beyond my reach.

 There is me, feeling vaguely stuck and empty, wanting to change other people and the outside world. That is because I am placing the cause of my discomfort outside of myself. Regardless of how it changes, if I want to change something, I must first change myself. I am aware of this, but I am too stubborn to change myself. I feel as if it is impossible to break away from my self-centeredness. It is so difficult that it seems that I will never be able to solve the problems of “how to be tolerant to everyone,” “how to always keep a humble heart,” etc., which are not controlled by reason but spontaneously arise.
 It is hard to change ourselves and others, after all. It may be something that cannot be done. If it were possible, I think it would be to become aware of the gifts that have already been given to me. By becoming aware of the new you, a change occurs, which may look like a “change” from the outside. I feel that there are hints in attempts to promote inner change, rather than change by gaining new knowledge or acquiring money or honor in concrete ways.

 Trying to “change” something may itself be meaningless. The Bible says, “But it is God who has made us grow” (1 Corinthians 3:6). Perhaps God is the only one who can do the kind of work that changes human beings. Even though I think I understand this in my head, I am still not ready to work on my “thoughts. For me, a “thought” is not something that I can manage on my own; it is not real unless it comes to me spontaneously.
 It means that I am so foolish that I am trying to mess with God’s domain. But that is my truth, and changing it is quite hard anyway. I think I need to wake up and live my life so that I can honestly accept such foolishness and realize my gifts. I have a feeling that if I become more aware of my own inadequacies, something might really change.

 Nothing is meaningless, though.


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