幸せな人生[A Happy Life]

投稿者: | 2022-11-01







A Happy Life

 To tell the truth, I don’t want to admit that I am getting older. I feel like I am young forever, but I am still in a situation where I have to admit that I am aging physically. I feel tired, I can’t remember people’s names, and I am confronted with my decline in various aspects of my life. It is a sad state of affairs, but I have no other choice but to try to make the aging process go as slowly as possible.

 There is no doubt that as I get older, I am undergoing some changes mentally. I don’t know if you can call it aging or not, but when I have an event that shockingly moves me a little, I tend to stay in a state where my mind is caught up in it for a while. Even when I’m doing other things, it’s like my mind is bogged down by it and I can’t really concentrate on it. I am not consciously trying to think through it, but unconsciously recall it. After a day or two, when I calm down, I am able to analyze the event and my mind in a surprisingly calm manner.
 I don’t think this kind of phenomenon in my mind used to happen very often. In the past, I don’t really remember, but I think that I used to let the events pass by more easily. I remember that I processed my feelings on the spot and moved on quickly and easily. Except for the time when I was rejected by a woman, I didn’t really get caught up in anything, and I felt like it was pointless to look back and think about it.

 If it subsides in a day or two, I’m still okay with it. But if it were to last longer, I would be very concerned. I don’t think I can stand it for long. It is painful. It’s not good because then I will start to avoid such events. That means I might stop going among people. I think I will start to act to avoid interaction with people because I don’t want to get hurt. Then I would not be able to grow any further. I guess I would have to say that this is part of the aging process.

 Perhaps I have been living my life by running away from dangerous events that might hurt me. That is why I cannot strike a fighting pose in front of something like an ordeal in which I might be able to grow the most. I have no tolerance for getting hurt. To put it ironically, “What a happy life I have led.
 But I don’t blame myself at all. No matter how spoiled I have been raised and how naive I have been, I believe it was my destiny to live my life as I did. I don’t blame my parents or my teachers. The problem always lies in the future. How I will live my life from now on. Unfortunately, I have reached an age where I have already begun to age, but that too is fate. I have my mission.
 The Bible says, “He will not put you through trials that you cannot endure, ……” (1 Corinthians 10:13). I have no intention of bearing anything that I cannot endure. But if it is something I can bear, I will face it from now on.

 Maybe more things will change in the future.


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