Autonomic Nerves
There is a disease called “autonomic imbalance. When the autonomic nervous system, which controls the workings of the internal organs, is out of balance, it is said to be not so good. Among the autonomic nerves, there is the sympathetic nervous system, which is active during the daytime when people are active and when they need to concentrate. If the sympathetic nervous system works too strongly or for too long, various problems can occur, such as stress overload and dysfunction of the internal organs.
I cannot imagine a life without stress, either good or bad, but I think we should be aware of the fact that it is not good to work too hard. It is no longer the case that everything can be solved by mentalism or gut feelings, as was the case a decade ago. It would be sad for me if I destroy my own body when I have been given this life. I want to stay as healthy as possible, both physically and mentally.
Another component of the autonomic nervous system is the parasympathetic nervous system. Simply put, it is symmetrically related to the sympathetic nervous system and works well when you are feeling relaxed. I feel some potential in me when this parasympathetic nervous system is activated. I think I have already reached the limit of trying to concentrate on something by myself, and if there is still some unknown ability hidden inside me, I would like to put it to use. I think it is more correct to say that as I write this, I am becoming aware of this desire to “put my efforts on the line”.
To tell the truth, I thought it didn’t matter whether I had a sympathetic or parasympathetic nervous system. I have never lived my life with such a difference in mind. Regardless of which nerve system is being used predominantly, I can only live my life to the fullest with sincerity in each moment. However, I somehow feel that there is an area or dimension where both of them are fused together, not simply because of what the sympathetic nervous system is involved in, such as “effort” or “concentration,” or because of what the parasympathetic nervous system is involved in, such as “relaxation” or “meditative state. It may be a sanctuary beyond my control. Perhaps I subconsciously feel that I want to reach there.
When I am in trouble, I pray to the Christian God. I pray every day even if I am not in trouble, but the deeper the difficulty, the more strongly I pray. In general, I think it is an act similar to meditating. The reason why I do it is because I want to recover myself. When the mind is filled with thoughts, and one almost loses oneself, I think it is an attempt to calm the mind and return to the starting point. It may be said that it is an attempt to force the parasympathetic nervous system to fight back from the state in which the sympathetic nervous system is working strongly.
In any case, I am unconsciously trying to get the parasympathetic nervous system to work more. I feel that the entry point is “prayer” (meditation). I think I feel that facing one’s heart is the first thing needed to approach the sanctuary.
I guess it’s like a “ZONE” kind of area?