祈る限り[As long as I pray]

投稿者: | 2023-04-26





As long as I pray

 Busy, tired, or drunk, life can be many things. Sometimes we are sad, and sometimes we refuse to take things seriously. But, although it is difficult, we must not forget to pray at all times. I don’t want to forget. Even if I don’t have to force myself to do so, I want to do my best as much as I can.

 I will continue to face my heart and pray. No, that is all I can do. Even when everything is going wrong and I feel like my heart is about to break, I still have the power to pray. As long as I pray, I feel like I am connected to God. I think that testifies to the fact that there is hope. Even when I despair of reality, as long as I continue to pray, I am sure that hope will continue to exist. I want to believe that.

 A little poetic today.


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