覚えてないけど……[I don’t remember but ……]

投稿者: | 2023-05-26







I don’t remember but ……

 People are creatures that like to talk about themselves,” he says. They pretend to be listening to others, but they are not. Is this really true? Basically, I don’t like to talk about myself.
 I don’t mind expressing my opinion about an event or a subject, but I prefer not to talk about my past experiences or what is in my private mind. When I am attending a gathering, I generally keep quiet to avoid being conspicuous.

 However, when I am at a drinking party, I tend to talk about myself in a rambling manner. Is there a part of me that deep down wants to talk about myself? Is it that my true self comes to the surface with the help of alcohol? If so, it becomes difficult to deny the theory that human beings are creatures that want to talk about themselves.
 The morning after I talk too much, I feel a terrible sense of self-loathing. I’ve done it again. I don’t remember what I said at all, but the feeling of disgust is very strong. Perhaps I am getting older and my ability to control myself when I am drunk is waning. As this happens, I am afraid to participate in drinking. Perhaps I have reached an age at which I should cut back on drinking. I am also aware that alcohol does not suit my constitution.

 I say I don’t want to talk about myself, but this is a blog. I only write about myself here. I guess I want people to know about me. I feel like I’ve come to a disjointed and incoherent sentence today.
 But I don’t feel any aversion to writing this blog. In fact, I even feel a sense of mission. I have a clear division in my mind between talking about myself and writing. When I drink alcohol, I let my momentum carry me away and talk, but I cannot write while drinking, and even if it is the same act of expressing myself, the degree of concentration when I write is incomparably higher.

 In the end, I guess I am a creature who wants to express myself too. If I think about it, it is one of the essential parts of my understanding, which is not a bad thing. It can be seen as an expression of the desire for approval.
 However, I still want to choose carefully how to express myself. Sometimes it may be necessary to let the momentum of alcohol push you to be more courageous, in a similar way to asking someone to push you. However, I still want to calm down, look at myself, and concentrate on expressing myself again. In that sense, I think blogging is a good way to do that. I hope to connect with as many people as possible.

 I have written about this same subject before.


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