
投稿者: | 2023-06-06




 海外ドラマ「メディア王 〜華麗なる一族〜(SUCCESION)」を観ている。昨日シーズン1を観終わったばかりだ。このドラマが凄い。普段は一作品につき私が嫌いなキャラクターは一人か多くても二人くらいしか登場しないのだが、このドラマに限っては登場人物のほとんどが大嫌いだ。生き方の勉強になるような設定の人物像は皆無。富と名声に取り憑かれた大富豪一族が骨肉の争いを演じる。最初の1話目2話目くらいで、本当は見ることを断念しようと思っていたくらいだった。ところが不思議なことに、少し堪えて5話6話と観ていく内に、だんだんハマってくる。今ではシーズン2が早く観たくて仕方がない心境だ。




 When I watch movies and foreign dramas, there are characters that I find so repulsive that I shudder to think what would happen if such a person existed in real life. I think that many of my favorite crime investigations have such a character in the role of a criminal. It is hard to say, but I think there is usually one such unlikable character in each work.
 Of course, since this is a fiction, it does not mean that the actors who play such roles actually have such personalities. It may be the result of excellent acting skills, or it may be the result of excellent acting instruction from the director and staff. In any case, I was completely absorbed in the film, even though I knew that it was a fiction, and I fell right into the hands of the filmmakers and intensely disliked the unlikable character.

 When I find myself alone in my room watching a film and thinking to the screen, “I hate this guy,” I feel defeated. I must say that it is an amazing piece of work to be so moved by a story in a mere movie or drama. I think it is proof that the film is produced by a competent staff, including the actors. Before their karma, I am mentally unable to maintain my composure.

 When I encounter a character in a film that I think, “I hate this guy~,” I try to think that it is because the role reflects a side of me that I don’t like. That doesn’t always hold true, but I don’t know, I think there is a pretty high probability that the disliked role often serves as a mirror that shows me the part of me that I don’t want to see. In other words, I find myself disliking myself in the images. That is how many “me’s” I have in me that I don’t want to see, that is, “me I want to deny.

 I am watching a foreign drama, “SUCCESION”. I just finished watching season 1 yesterday. This drama is awesome. Usually there is only one or at most two characters I dislike per drama, but for this drama, I hate most of the characters. None of the characters are set up to be a lesson in how to live. A family of millionaires obsessed with wealth and fame play out a bone-fighting battle. After the first two episodes or so, I was actually thinking of giving up watching it. Strangely enough, however, I persevered and watched 5 or 6 more episodes, and gradually became hooked. Now I can’t wait to watch season 2.
 Most of the characters are unlikable, so I had to find something I didn’t like in each character, but I also had to keep up with the complex storyline, and my mind was in a tizzy. I can only give a half-hearted impression since I have only watched the first season, but the show depicts how the characters I dislike change little by little through various events. At the same time, my impression of each character seems to be changing little by little. This is my first experience with a drama full of haters, and I am very much looking forward to seeing how the story will unfold and how my feelings will change as I watch it.

 There are so many actors who are good at acting!


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