眠りのメッセージ[Sleep Messages]

投稿者: | 2023-06-28







Sleep Messages

 I am no longer able to sleep for long periods at a time. I used to be able to sleep for more than 12 hours without a problem, partly because I basically love to sleep. If left alone, I would have slept for as long as I wanted. However, these days, the longest I can sleep is 8 hours, and it has been so long ago that I don’t even remember when I was able to sleep for 8 hours. I usually wake up after 5-6 hours. No, I used to sleep too much, and I think it means that I am finally getting the same amount of sleep as other people, but it is a big change for me.

 If the reason I wake up is because I have to go to the bathroom, there is no problem, but more often than not, I wake up with a bit of a doze. I think I am exaggerating a little when I say “dozing”, but it is probably because I was thinking about something in my dream and woke up with my mind running at full speed. I would wake up suddenly at odd hours of the night. Even though I soon forget what I was thinking about, my head is still weirdly clear. When that happens, I can’t sleep again, at least not for a while. It’s not a good way to wake up.
 Sometimes when I wake up, I feel that my body is tired, and after lying down for a while as it is, my head starts to ache. I try to get rid of the fatigue by sleeping, but it doesn’t work very well anymore, and I wonder if this is what it means to get old. No, let us rejoice that I am finally becoming like other people.

 On the other hand, I dream that I would be very happy if I could maintain my physical strength and not get tired without sleeping. Someone once said that one of the things God has given equally to human beings is “time. If each of us is entrusted with the use of the limited time of our lives, it seems to me that there really is no time to sleep. Simply put, sleeping too much is a “waste of time. But it is also true that sleep is an important task that is assigned to us.

 I feel as if I am thinking even when I am asleep. I do not remember what happens in my dreams, but I imagine that my deep psychological self, or my underlying desires, or my true feelings, or my essential being as such, appear in my dreams. My original mind, which I am usually not conscious of. I think I am encountering such a thing while I am sleeping.
 If so, I don’t think the time I spend sleeping is a waste of time. Having written all this, I am not quite sure. However, I can’t help but feel that the change of not being able to sleep is trying to tell me something.

 Well, I do sleep twice as well.

眠りのメッセージ[Sleep Messages]」への5件のフィードバック

  1. koji34909410



    1. aRanDy 投稿作成者


      1. koji34909410


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