「豊かさ」へ[To “Abundance]

投稿者: | 2023-07-13







To “Abundance

 I believe that there are many phenomena in which one’s thoughts become more organized as one speaks or writes. What you did not think about in particular becomes more and more important to you as you speak or write about it. It is undeniably a new awareness and discovery. It may not seem like a big deal to others, but to me it is a valuable experience. The new ideas I derive on my own are another enrichment for me.

 In my case, especially since I started this blog, I have benefited from such “new insights” very much. The feeling that if I somehow start writing and thinking about various things, before I know it, I have reached my own conclusion for the day. It often takes a turn that I could not have imagined when I started writing. I am often made aware of things about myself that I had not been aware of before. However, I rarely come to a firm conclusion.
 It is almost impossible, especially these days, to start writing with an ending in mind from the very beginning. The word “haphazard” may give the impression that I always write in a haphazard manner, but in reality, I do not have the luxury of deciding on a structure every day before writing.

 I think it’s good for me personally to accumulate thoughts and ideas, even if it’s just for now. If I can do that, to put it in a cool way, I will have more human depth. Even if it is something trivial that was not normally on our consciousness, we become aware of the existence of a problem by talking or writing about it, and this naturally leads us to think about it. Then, you will compose your own kind of answer to the problem. If this process is repeated on a daily basis for a while, the volume will be quite large.
 If each thought leads to the “richness” that creates a person, there is no reason not to try to accumulate thoughts and awareness in this way.

 I don’t live my life just to consult with someone. But if someone asks me for advice, I want to be someone who can help them in any way I can. If someone asks me for advice on a matter that I have never thought about before, even the most experienced person may feel a bit confused. In order to prevent this, I would like to have my own ideas about as many matters as possible. In my case, continuing to write this blog seems to be the most effective way to do so.
 I would like to be able to answer any question that comes my way, but it would be impossible for me to experience everyone’s problems. I may continue to encounter problems that I never dreamed of. Or I may discover a different side of myself that I never knew existed. There is still so much I do not know, including myself, but I hope I never stop thinking and always stay present. I am just beginning to be able to be of service to others.

 I am having more and more experiences that are “becoming clear to me.


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