感覚の違い[Sensory Differences]

投稿者: | 2023-07-15







Sensory Differences

 I believe it was at the UN or some other international conference, and there was a scene on the news of a Russian politician expressing his views at that conference. There were other such scenes of him at other global diplomatic occasions. It is a scene that I am used to seeing now, but when I saw it for the first time, I was surprised.

 My common sense tells me that celebrities who have done wrong are not allowed to appear on stage, even if it was an organized act. Whether or not they would be arrested would be another matter, but I thought it was normal for people who had clearly done something wrong to hide behind a cloud of publicity because the public would always condemn them. I had assumed that because of the media’s influx and the “flames,” as they call it these days, they would be forcibly hospitalized with a name given to their illness or “fly high” in the midst of cargo. But the Russian politician is not offended, and speaks out in no uncertain terms. I suddenly felt as if I had lost track of what was going on in the world, as if my consciousness had faded away.

 In other words, I don’t know about the real heart of the matter, but I think that the Russian people should not have the idea that they are doing something wrong. At least ostensibly, such an attitude is probably forbidden. No matter how bad they do something, if they admit to it, their lives will be in danger, let alone be punished. Therefore, they cannot admit to it.
 Under such circumstances, I tried to imagine how I would feel if I were suddenly a Russian living in Russia. I would not have the strength to do so. Perhaps I would feel as if I had gone off the path of humanity by not admitting my guilt, and I would be ashamed of myself like a social misfit and lose all hope of living. Unless I make amends, correct my mistakes, or somehow deal with the problem correctly, I think I will go crazy. I will not be able to live with a heavy sense of guilt. I don’t think it’s human work, in a bad way, to be able to go to an international conference.

 Perhaps there is a widespread fear in Russia of what might be done to anyone who tries to show an anti-government stance. Perhaps only Russians can understand this feeling. What I strongly feel is doubt and surprise, wondering if the common sense of the Russian people is that different from mine. If our senses are really that different, it seems to me that it would be quite difficult to establish an effective relationship. I often say things like, “If you don’t open your heart and mind to each other, you will never have a true friendship,” but I am not so sure that this idea itself is understood by the Russian people. If they can only look at others with such suspicion, there is little hope for us.
 Perhaps it is my international sensibility, or perhaps I am just too naive to know how to “play games” with people from other cultures. Perhaps adults are those who can overcome such differences and negotiate to make things work. But if I truly seek to find something that transcends time and race and is familiar with all things, I’m going to stay naively.

 I think we can understand each other, no matter who we are!


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