試されるとき[A Time to be Tried]

投稿者: | 2023-10-02



 聖書には「施すべき相手に善行を拒むな あなたの手にその力があるなら。」(箴言3章27節)と書かれている。またルカによる福音書6章38節には、「与えなさい。そうすれば、あなたがたにも与えられる。」とある。知恵や力を出し惜しみしている場合ではないのだろう。




A Time to be Tried

 In the course of one’s normal life, irregularities may suddenly occur. Sometimes it is something that benefits one’s daily activities, and sometimes it is a bit annoying to be honest. I think it depends largely on how busy you are at the time and the various circumstances, but it is precisely at such times that a person’s human nature comes out. Whether or not they are too busy to deal with it, or whether they find a possibility and try to “use” it in a good way. My impression of a person will change considerably depending on whether or not he or she is able to enjoy irregularities.

 If a person is really busy and in a situation where he or she needs help from a cat, he or she will probably want things to stay within a predictable range of events. Others may be grasping at straws and hoping that nothing will happen. In spite of such situations, there are those who enjoy irregularities. They are admirably attentive to various aspects of the situation, and they deal with the difficulties in a flat manner, saying, “It can’t be helped. Such a way of life is something I really want to emulate.
 On the other hand, there are those who have so much spare time on their hands that they eliminate unplanned events. By doing so, they may be trying to stabilize their daily routine and protect their daily activities from unforeseen events. What I am trying to say here, however, is not a disaster-level overreaction, but something more ordinary. I am talking about how to respond to unexpected events that are part of a normal life, but which can become an emergency situation for the person in question. I think anyone who can only think of eliminating irregularities within that range is nothing but “lazy”.

 Such a person as I am, I’ve become completely the latter these days. I am trying my best not to get involved in troublesome things, and I am trying to protect my mind and time from being lost. I am trying my best to stabilize my daily life. But I am also acutely aware that it is not enough, and the harder I try, the tougher life gets.
 The Bible says, “Do not refuse to do good to the one to whom you should do it, if you have the strength in your hands to do it.” (Proverbs 3:27). And Luke 6:38 says, “Give, and it will be given to you. This is not the time to be stingy with our wisdom and power.

 It is all about the struggle against our own weakness. In the end, it comes down to whether or not I can overcome my laziness. But I don’t think I can defeat the strong enemy of my “weakness” by my own strength. I don’t think I have ever been able to win in a proper face to face fight.
 I have to accept that I am not good enough, and with the help of God’s hope, I still have to fight against myself. If I can fight to the point of “I can’t fight any longer,” I feel that the next path will open up for me again. I still have room for more. I don’t want to fall down, but I want to keep giving as much as I can without running away from irregularities.

 I guess things just overlap when I’m busy!


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