見えないつまみ[Invisible knob]

投稿者: | 2023-10-03







Invisible knob

 I started playing baseball in the fourth grade of elementary school, and I had been defending the position of catcher all through the fall of my sophomore year of high school. When playing defense, a catcher is required to have technical skills, of course, but perhaps even more than that, I believe that a catcher is required to have a kind of emotional strength. He is required to be there for the pitcher at all times to cheer him up, as well as to inspire the entire team.
 It is good when the team is winning well, but it is tough when the team is losing badly, especially when the team is about to lose a game like a called game in which they are beaten to a pulp. Even so, I must support the team until the very end.

 The power of the voice is often effective in cheering people up, not only in baseball, but also when trying to cheer them up. If you use your loud voice to encourage someone in a difficult situation, it will be easier to convey your passionate feelings.
 I think I have a loud voice. Incidentally, when I was a catcher, at the beginning of every defensive game, I would stand a little in front of home plate and begin by calling out to the entire ballpark, “Let’s put it away! If I did that every time, that would make me a very vocal person. I am proud to say that I am one of those people who understand very well the power of the voice.

 There was an incident when I became aware that my voice had grown louder by myself. It was during a baseball practice when I had just entered junior high school. It was raining that day and we were in the school building doing some running and other training. After we had gone through the entire menu, the seniors called all the first-year students to line up in the gymnasium. There, the basketball team and other athletic teams were practicing, and there was a lot of noise and shouting.
 We freshmen were made to say our names and classes out loud from the corner of the gymnasium, and finally we were made to shout a single spirited shout. I could speak up at a baseball game or on the baseball field without much resistance, but I felt extremely embarrassed to shout my name in the gymnasium in front of a group of seniors whom I did not know at all. I hesitated, but encouraged by the way my teammates shouted from one end to the other, I managed to speak up. It was like a regular event for the baseball team, a ritual that everyone had to perform once they joined the club.
 What I found when I shouted was that I was very loud and that it was exhilarating to shout so loud. It felt good. After that experience I felt like I knew how to produce a loud voice, or rather, I had grasped the way to amplify my voice. It was as if I had some great weapon in my hands.

 I think there is an appropriate volume for each voice in each situation. A loud voice is not necessarily a good thing, and an unpleasant blast of sound that disrupts harmony is vulgar. So a loud voice can be a weapon or a weakness. If you can adjust the volume well, I think having a loud voice is one excellent tool you have at your disposal to communicate how you think and feel.
 The other day, a newcomer to my office had a very loud voice. It was a real blast. He was very loud in everything he did, including greeting people, and he seemed to be nervous, or perhaps he was completely unaware of what was going on around him. He was probably just trying his best to show off his energy. As he gets used to it, the volume will gradually decrease. However, I was somewhat envious of him.

 I rarely have a chance to speak out loud anymore.

見えないつまみ[Invisible knob]」への2件のフィードバック


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