継続と成長[Continuity and Growth]

投稿者: | 2023-10-04







Continuity and Growth

 I wonder why nothing I do seems to last. I am interested in a lot of things, and I have tried to learn things, but the only thing that I have continued to do is this blog. I like to try new things even if I am not interested in them, and I will try anything with enthusiasm at first, but once I get used to it, I get bored. Or, I just pat myself on the back and think I’ve got it all figured out, and I look down on the thing itself. In the end, I wonder if it means that I am not really trying.

 I consider myself a fan of so-called “individual play. I am not afraid to work hard on something alone without anyone noticing. However, it is good when I am absorbed in something, but it is boring when the results of my hard work are not recognized. It would seem that I would be satisfied if I could do what I love without worrying about what others think of me, but I still want someone to see what I am doing. I think I am a lonely person at heart.
 When I was younger, I used to think I could do everything on my own, and I used to be strong enough to say that I felt more comfortable being alone. Or maybe I was like that until recently. As symbolized by the term “lone wolf,” there has always been a stereotype in my mind that a man must be able to do everything on his own, without depending on anyone. Gradually, however, I came to realize that the world is full of things that I cannot do, and I could no longer ignore the warmth and gratitude of having someone by my side. I am lonely.

 It is good to work hard. When I concentrate, I am more productive alone. However, I think I can’t continue unless it is of a nature that will eventually be recognized by someone else. Or if it is something where we can make something together or challenge something together, I may be able to continue.
 I do not want to “keep going,” but rather to improve myself and grow. But for some reason, I don’t feel that working hard at something and continuing to do it will lead me to that goal. I intuitively feel that it is not good enough for me to do anything that doesn’t last. Perhaps that means I need to confess that I am a lonely person, or perhaps it is an expression of the thirst for team play that is in me, not individual play.

 I have been trying to live alone like that for a long time, and that habit is not something that can be easily wiped away. This “pride” that clings to the inner walls of my heart, which I don’t understand, won’t allow me to admit in the slightest that I am a lonely person. Even though I know it’s wrong, when I go out in public, I hide my true self by adopting a strong attitude.
 Slowly but firmly, I will try to chip away at my pride little by little. I do not believe that I have a complete grasp of my mind, but it seems certain that this abominable pride of mine is standing in my path in a big way, obstructing me in many ways. Facing my own mind will be even more demanding.

 I’m not the only one who can’t continue, though.


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