弱さを認めたその後に[After Admitting Weakness]

投稿者: | 2023-10-05







After Admitting Weakness

 I am not very good at controlling my feelings. When I look at others, they seem so calm and I wonder how they maintain their composure. Is this instability of my mind a characteristic unique to me?
 Every day I seek mental stability and try to put myself in a good mood as if I were touching something “swollen. I am always careful not to become extremely angry or anxious. It is strange to say that he is “attentive” to himself, but I think it is the best way to describe him.

 Other people who seem to be very stable may not be so, and each of them may be struggling to get by. I can only imagine if everyone is really struggling with their own mind like I am, or if they are, to what extent. I know that everyone is probably fighting their own mind in their own way, but I feel that not as much as I am. My mind is such a difficult thing for me to deal with.
 I always want to feel a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. I want to go to bed every day praising myself for a job well done. But that is an extremely difficult task. I don’t think I can do it every day. I can’t do my best, or run away from difficulties, or keep on trying all the time. If you say that is my weakness, you are exactly right.

 The Bible says, “I am content for Christ’s sake in weakness, in contempt, in privation, in persecution, and in deadlock. For I am strong when I am weak.” (2 Corinthians 12:10). Frankly, I cannot accept this verse at this point. I do not realize the meaning of the phrase “strong in weakness. However, I feel that it gives me a hint that it is okay to be weak.
 When I say that I “take care of myself,” it may mean that I am always vigilant so that my “weak self” does not show itself. If my weak self comes out, my courage and energy to reach my goals will also be diminished. If that happens, I will naturally stop trying hard, and a sense of fulfillment will be far away. I may subconsciously try to avoid falling into this state.

 There is no doubt that I am weak and incapable. I don’t know when it will show its face, but no, rather, such a me may be my true nature. The no-good self that discourages me. I am the one who cannot do my best. However, is it an illusion that I find my no-good self more lovable?
 It is natural that I cannot do it. Because I am a bad person. But God loves me, even though I am not good enough. If I could believe that from the bottom of my heart, my life might change.

 I think I’m more like myself when I can’t do my best.


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