
投稿者: | 2023-10-11








 It is very difficult to try to move a large group of people in one direction, to say, “I want to change society in this way,” or “I want to unite. I want to be a peacemaker, but I do not have the qualities to lead a large group of people toward peace.
 I don’t have a vision of what I want society to be like. I don’t have any ideas or methods on how to lead people to a successful outcome. I talk a lot about “peace,” but deep down, I don’t care about others. I am a hypocritical and heartless man. I am so occupied with myself that I cannot afford to think seriously about the happiness of others. That is not the kind of man I want to be.

 Why can’t I feel for others as if they were my own? When I say others, I do not mean strangers. They may be acquaintances, friends, or colleagues, but even when I am very close to them, I cannot feel their problems as if they were my own.
 I don’t have a problem when I am directly listening to them when they ask me for advice. I am there for them as much as I can, and I take them seriously at that time. However, once the feeling leaves me, I forget about it. I guess other people’s affairs are literally just other people’s affairs to me. I guess I am definitely lacking in compassion.

 Perhaps it is my nature to not understand unless I suffer pain myself, or perhaps it is my nature that nothing resonates with me unless I experience it myself. I cannot perceive various teachings and lessons by imagination or guesswork. Does this mean that I lack imagination and sensitivity?
 What about other people? I know some people can be compassionate about their friends, but can they take to heart the stories of others that they have only read or heard about as if they were their own? Can they make it their own by imagining intense suffering and sorrow? I don’t think I can right now.

 If people had not taken the stories told to them as their own and been moved by them, Christianity would not have spread as widely. Jesus was a man who lived 2,000 years ago, and no one actually witnessed his deeds. Therefore, unlike me, I believe that there were countless people who were able to live the stories that were told to them.
 However, I don’t see the point in forcing people to believe in something they cannot perceive for themselves. It would only be an illusion of belief. My desire to believe is strong. But I can’t believe it. I will wait patiently until the time comes when I can believe naturally.
 The day when I can believe will surely come. I cannot predict whether it will be the day when my mental strength is strengthened or the end of my despair, but I am sure that the time will come when I will be able to believe. And then visions and ideas will emerge. Even if that happens, I do not have the power to lead people, but I could be part of a group of like-minded people. I find hope in that area and will continue to be troubled by it.

 Heartless man, huh? ……


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