Keep a Straight Face.
About six months ago, I think it was when Corona moved to Class 5, I bought a box of 40 masks. I had a few sheets left over, but I bought them earlier, figuring I would still be using them for a while. As of today, I have yet to open that box. I left the one sheet that was left in the bag, thinking it would be used at some point, and so much time has passed without using it. It may have expired by now.
I have been fortunate to have made it this far without ever contracting corona. I have had four doses of the vaccine and am waiting for the fifth. I have been trying to prevent it by avoiding hermetic, dense, and close quarters, not traveling far, and doing the bare minimum. I no longer wear a mask, although I am not confident that I will not contract the disease.
However, when I walk around town, I get the impression that, roughly speaking, more than half the people still wear masks. Older people and those with chronic illnesses would rather have to, but I also see a lot of healthy-looking teenagers.
Perhaps it is a habit that has developed over the past five years. Some elementary school students, for example, may be driven to anxiety by the fact that masks have become so ingrained in their daily lives that they are suddenly asked to stop a routine that had been the norm until then. I had thought that children would jump up and down if they were told that they did not have to wear masks. I have noticed an unexpected psychological phenomenon in a percentage of the children. It may take a little more time.
According to a passage, wearing a mask makes you look prettier than you actually are. Although the truth is not known, I have heard someone say, “I was disappointed when I saw her face without the mask. They say it has that effect on both men and women.
If young people still wear masks because of such appearances, it makes my head hurt. It’s not a corona or anything, but they live their lives hiding their faces in their everyday lives. We hide half of our faces to relate to others in order to be seen as more beautiful. While many people try to live their lives pretending to be better than they are, they actually hide their faces as well. Is that really the right way to live? I think this is a fundamental problem before “valuing individuality and diversity.
It probably takes courage to show one’s true self. How many people can open up and reveal their true nature, saying, “This is who I am. In fact, I am not sure to what extent I am able to open my heart.
But to be honest, I am tired of pretending or hiding myself. I want to gather up the courage to say, “I am such a bad person,” and live humbly. I don’t think it will work if I keep my face hidden behind a mask. It doesn’t matter if you are ugly, fat, or bald. I think the first step is to accept yourself as you are.
Let’s take off the mask.