失敗を受け入れて[Accept Failure.]

投稿者: | 2023-11-09







Accept Failure.

 Sometimes you think that what you came to do was wrong. But you can never be sure whether it was really wrong or not. What I think was wrong is only my view, and it is impossible to absolutize it. When the only reason you can give is “because I thought so” as a basis, it is often not demonstrable.
 It is often the case that the evaluation at the time changes with the passage of time. Of course, good memories can be reversed and turned into events that we don’t want to remember. Therefore, we should not overly rely on our judgment of good or bad at that point in time, and it is better to think that human feelings and evaluations are shifting and changing.

 However, the impressions and mental patterns that reside in our minds at a given time are a fact of life, and I would like to keep the memory of “I felt that way. It may have been wrong, it may have been a foolish feeling, but the fact that I felt that way is not a lie. I am standing here today because of all those experiences. The foolish me, the me who had gone through so many experiences, they were all me.
 Looking back, I often regret things like, “I should have done that,” or “Why did I do that? My life was a series of failures that didn’t do much to help others. So, was my life meaningless? Was my birth a waste of time?

 Perhaps my life has meaning. I may think I was a failure, but I am sure that God has given me a mission. I still don’t know what it is, but I want to live my life so that I can respond to it. It is painful to face my heart with the fear that my life may have been meaningless, that my heart may collapse. But if I don’t persevere through this, I will never see tomorrow.
 It would be good to live a life where I can admit that it was a failure and look forward, or It’s no use getting depressed for a while and not being able to get back up. In any case, the fact that I am alive and standing here like this is a fact, and I must face the question, “Why has God kept me alive?” even if it is painful.

 It is difficult to summarize life in one word or one concept. For example, it would be thoughtless to think we know a person by looking at something like his/her title or biography. A person’s life and way of life appear in each and every event in various aspects of life. From now on, I will try to avoid evaluating people based on what they have accomplished or what kind of work they have done.
 When I think about myself, I tend to be so focused on what I have done that I forget the preciousness of my daily activities. I think it is important to set goals and envision a bright future, but I also think that there are hidden hints for the future in the small actions I take every day as I try to live a life of integrity. I want to live today with importance, without being sad or happy at the change of my feelings.

 God’s work cannot be measured by human beings.


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