About 30 years ago, I lived in Toronto, Canada, for two and a half years, during which time I studied aikido under a Japanese teacher while working and studying. Sensei was short but stout, and had the appearance of a martial artist, with a good dogi (Japanese martial arts uniform) on his back. But inside, he was really kind and friendly, and took very good care of his students. On vacations, he would invite some of us to his villa in the suburbs.
Sensei must have gone through a lot of hardship after coming to Canada by himself and running an aikido dojo like that. I cannot imagine how hard it must have been for him. According to Sensei, in order to save money, he used to participate in “grass wrestling” to earn prize money. I wonder if he played the role of a villain as a Japanese wrestler. He must have lived his life by putting his body on the line.
One day, Sensei once spoke in front of many of his students. He asked us, “We practice aikido and train hard every day, but what would you do if you were about to get into a fight with someone who looked strong on the street or in a bar? This was a throwback to us. Some of the students might have thought about how to deal with a punching bag, recalling the techniques their teacher had taught them. I don’t remember what I was thinking at the time.
The disciples, who were waiting with bated breath for the teacher’s answer, might have been disappointed. The teacher said, “RUN! Needless to say, that meant run. I felt as if I understood why so many Canadians were attending this dojo. Sensei was not teaching us aikido to make us stronger in a fight. I think Sensei was trying to teach us something more spiritual, like respect for others, self-discipline, and a way of life through his practice. That may be the essence of Aikido.
There are many ways of life in the human world. What to believe in and what to live with as one’s spiritual support are also different for each person. Among the many options available, I have come into contact with several ways of life that have stuck with me. The way of life of my aikido teacher was one form that I would like to refer to. 30 years ago, I was not so aware of it, but now, as I think back on it, his presence comes closer to me.
Although I am no longer involved in aikido, I feel that the memories of Sensei and his teachings are firmly rooted in me. Although our lives are different, I believe that Sensei gave me something that I must never forget.
I am not even sure if he is still alive, but I suddenly remembered him fondly. Everything seems to be connected to the present. I am grateful to all the people who have met me.
I hope you are doing well.