信仰告白(その3)[Confession of Faith (Part 3)]

投稿者: | 2023-12-15







Confession of Faith (Part 3)

 As my understanding of the Bible increased thanks to the Bible study group, I began to feel that I was getting closer to God. I think I was gaining a kind of confidence that I could trust God.
 At that time, I became interested in “church. I became very interested in the worship services held at local churches every Sunday. I wondered what it would be like to actually go to church and pray with the congregation. Is it necessary, etc.? I had been to a local church a few times in high school, but as I began to seriously study the Bible, church had become a completely different entity for me than it had been back then.

 I was introduced to a church through a pastor I knew, and I was allowed to attend that church for the time being. However, after attending for a while, I found myself a little disappointed. I wondered if this was how it was going to be. Praying together in worship was not a problem, and praying well every Sunday created a rhythm in my life on a weekly basis. I think I felt differently about the following Monday.
 However, I could not develop a good relationship with the members of that church. I had an abnormally high ideal of what a Christian should be like, and I assumed that all Christians were intelligent and had angelic hearts. Now that I think about it, there is no way that such a thing could actually be true, but I compared my ideal image of Christians with those people on my own, and to be honest, I was a little disappointed. I feel that I have been really disrespectful. Who am I to look down on others? But that was my truth, and after attending for a little over a year, I left that church just as the pastor changed.

 Even though I stopped going to church, I was still really serious about the Bible study group. I remember thinking, “Have I ever studied so hard before?” When I started writing reports, I worked so hard that I was obsessed. Maybe I really was obsessed with something. My studying hard was certainly not like me.
 Last March, about five and a half years after I started the Bible study group. One of my best friends from high school, who had studied with me as a member of the group, decided to move abroad for work, and with this, we decided to graduate and dissolve the group. It was very regrettable, but I thought that this was also “time” and closed the meeting.

 It was truly a graduation. I had graduated spiritually from my former teacher and also from the Bible study group. It was only because of my teacher that I was able to encounter the Bible. I will never be able to thank him enough. I think this graduation marked the beginning of my own steps on the path to Christianity, whereas I had always leaned on him.
 About a year and a half after the dissolution of Bible study group, that is, about three years after I left the church, I returned to the church, as urged by the new pastor of that church. This was about six months ago now. I had a vague feeling that I had developed a solid relationship with God. Vaguely, I began to imagine, “Oh, I am going to be baptized. It was as if I was obsessed by something.

 (Continued in Part 4)


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