愛神愛人[Loving God and Loving People]

投稿者: | 2024-01-16







Loving God and Loving People

 I am intentional about remembering God the moment I wake up in the morning. In other words, I train myself to wake up and immediately get into the mental state of praying. I started trying to develop that kind of habit, even if I had to force it a bit. After trying this for a while, interestingly enough, my mind becomes more stable. I feel as if I can start my day calmly.
 When I first wake up, I often feel disoriented, as if I am dreaming. Sometimes I wake up feeling unexplainable and incredibly anxious. Perhaps I am in a state where my true uncontrollable mind is being exposed. At such times, I am shocked at how unstable my mind actually is. It is even frightening. I guess I am usually very well dressed up. To be honest, I try to remember God immediately, partly because I don’t want to experience that dreadful feeling when I wake up from sleep.

 When I try to force myself to pray from my sleepy state, what I naturally pray is, “God, I love you. I don’t know if that is the Christian way to pray, but I can’t help it because those words come out. I intentionally direct myself to pray, but I cannot control the words that come out. The first thing that comes out of my mouth is a confession of my love for God. It is a way of praying that no one has taught me.
 The phrase “reverence God and love one’s neighbor” is often used in the Christian world, and in this case, God is the object of reverence. Respect God and love your neighbor. I don’t mean to play with words, and I have no objection to the spirit of “respect God and love one’s neighbor,” but if I may put it in my own words, it would be “love God and love one’s neighbor. This is more comfortable for me.

 The Bible says, “Jesus said, ‘Do with all your heart and with all your soul, and you will find rest for your souls. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. (Matthew 22:37).” When we read this scripture again, we see that it is okay to love God. God is so precious that I, as a human being, had the impression that the expression “love” God was a bit familiar to me. But, oddly enough, the words that came from inside me admonished me. I will love God from the first thing in the morning with pride and dignity.

 When reading the Bible, there are times when I feel like I understand the meaning and pass over it without noticing the important implications. In fact, such times are more common. Understanding the Bible is more than understanding what it says with the mind; it is about feeling it with the body and the heart. So really, even if you follow the words in the Bible with your eyes as if you were reading an ordinary book, it does not mean that you have read the Bible. I have read the Bible passage I just mentioned so many times that I don’t remember how many times I have read it, but today, for the first time, I was given the realization that “It’s okay to love God!
 I think there are certain verses in the Bible that suit me at a particular time. Even though I thought I understood the scriptures, I was able to discover new things and realize new things when I read them again today. It is like a living thing that keeps changing. I will continue to live my life of faith together with the Bible.

 In the end, it’s all about “love,” isn’t it?


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