新しいスタート[A New Start]

投稿者: | 2024-01-19




 コリントの信徒への手紙一10章 13節では、「あなたがたを襲った試練で、世の常でないものはありません。神は真実な方です。あなたがたを耐えられないような試練に遭わせることはなさらず、試練と共に、それに耐えられるよう、逃れる道をも備えてくださいます。」とある。



A New Start

 I am always anxious about the future. In a short time, I will reach the age of 60, and I will gradually lose the ability to do the things I used to be able to do. It is inevitable that my physical strength and abilities will decline. I intend to work all my life, but realistically I don’t know how long I will be able to work. I have no plans for my retirement savings, as well as the large amount of debt I am currently carrying. I am far from having a bright hope for the future.
 On the other hand, as in the case of the Noto Peninsula earthquake on New Year’s Day, one never knows when an earthquake or other disaster may strike and destroy one’s home or workplace. When I see the devastation in Noto on the TV news every day, I can’t help but feel fearful that tomorrow could be my own day. Global warming is also progressing on a global scale, and I am becoming increasingly anxious about a future without any guarantees.

 My only daughter passed the high school entrance examination and was accepted to the school of her choice. I would like to congratulate this young person who is just starting out in life. I worry that it is difficult to have hope in these times of turmoil, but God is watching over us.
 Who of you would give a stone to your child who craves bread? Or a snake to a fish? Thus you know that you give good things to your children, even though you are wicked. And moreover, your heavenly Father must give good things to those who ask.” (Matthew 7:9-11)

 If my daughter wants to believe in God, no matter how much I try to support her, she has to meet him on her own. I am going to tell her many things about Christianity, and I am going to tell her everything I know and have experienced. I will lean on you as much as I can.
 But I cannot stand between God and my daughter. I cannot live her journey on her behalf. As in non-Christian matters, my daughter will have to cultivate her own various experiences. No matter how tough the journey may be, she will carve it out for herself in the end.

 In 1 Corinthians 10:13, we read, “There is no trial that has come upon you that is not of the world. God is true. He will not put you through trials that you cannot endure, but will provide a way of escape so that you may be able to endure them. God will not put you through trials that you cannot endure.
 Disasters will happen in the future, and what is generally called bad luck will strike us. But I believe what the Bible says. Hopefully, my daughter will believe it too. There may not be a shining future waiting for us beyond the point of view I see from my own. But I am left with the hope of believing in God. I will believe in what I cannot see.
 First of all, I will rejoice in the joy of today and prepare for tomorrow. I was also just baptized, and both my daughter and I are finally at the starting line.

 Congratulations on your success!

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