一人一人の役割[The Role of Each Individual]

投稿者: | 2024-01-28







The Role of Each Individual

 One thing I am a little unsure about is ‘popularity’. I am not proud to say it myself, but I have been told by others that I am popular with the public. To be honest, it’s not that I don’t feel that way myself. I feel that people around me expect a lot from me, or that I am often entrusted with tasks that require a lot of responsibility.
 At my age, this is probably normal, but I don’t know the reason why people say so, and I am rather surprised at how they can entrust me with such important things. Maybe it’s just because I look so serious that they push me to do troublesome things.

 Whether someone is popular with the public or not may be a feeling that is unique to me, but I think it depends strongly on the atmosphere they create. It’s not about specific things like being able to study or being someone who has achieved something, but the unique aura created by their attitude and posture during normal times that creates a dependable and solid image. It may even be a case of a little bit of attraction that makes you want to see him from time to time.
 I am not saying that I have those attractive aspects as a human being. I am saying that I don’t know what ‘popularity’ is. This is just my opinion when I analyse people who I feel are well-liked. But I don’t think there are that many people who are popular in reality. If someone thinks that about me, I don’t feel bad, although I don’t know why and I don’t feel refreshed.

 ’God has assembled the body, making the inferior parts stand out even more. So there is no division in the body and the parts take care of each other. If one part suffers, all the parts suffer together; if one part is honoured, all the parts rejoice together. You are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:24-27)
 Each of us has a God-given ministry, which is different for each of us. If I am entrusted with the role of an arm, someone else may be a leg. And again someone else is in charge of another part. Each part has a different function, but the Bible tells us that it is only when there are many parts with different roles that we have a single body.

 There may be people in the world who are “well-liked”. At the same time, there are always people who are not good at socialising and have little presence. Is one of these two better than the other? God does not assign superiority or inferiority to the roles he has given us. Each person is important and imperfect, so I think He is telling us to live while complementing each other. It is a command to love each other and live together.
 The gifts God has given to us are not superior or inferior. What there is is our human false standard of value. We are not influenced by man-made values, but live our lives believing in God, who is the Truth. God’s unceasing love is poured out on each one of us.

 Popularity, I still don’t understand it~.


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