孤独な私[Lonely Me]

投稿者: | 2024-02-08







Lonely Me

 Even though I don’t have to be responsible for everything that happens around me, I have a tendency to meddle, or rather, to get involved in unnecessary things. As I get older, I think this tendency has lessened considerably, but it still pops up from time to time. Perhaps it will never disappear completely. There are times when I still try to get my hands on responsibilities that I am not sure I will ever be able to handle.
 Especially when I question other people’s way of thinking, I am often tempted to complain. I feel compelled to say, “People are allowed to have their own way of thinking, so why don’t you just respect their opinion? If I have an objection, I can leave it alone as long as it does not harm me. But then I find myself working to correct them, saying things like, “That idea is wrong, and I need to wake them up. It’s my responsibility.” In my mind, “my righteousness” is wielded.

 I wonder if I know what is “right” in the first place. Do I know the truth that is familiar to all things, the truth that can persuade anyone? No, I do not. I think I am trying to imitate God. I am getting carried away.
 When I do that, I am always rebuffed, and I get angry. I am overdoing it. It is not surprising because I am standing on my common sense and trying to correct them using my own standards of value. It is natural to be offended. I am not being attentive to the other person’s way of thinking or circumstances, but only imposing my opinion on him or her.

 I think I am doing something good for the other person, but in the end I am just meddling to satisfy my own needs. I am so intoxicated by my own efforts to do my best for the other person that I don’t realize what I am really doing.
 I am trying to be a “good person. I want to be. But unfortunately, that spirit itself is wrong. Being a “good person” is not something you can become through your own efforts, but something that is given to you by those around you. I, who am so eager to satisfy myself, am unaware of this and feel empty.

 I am a lonely and lonely person. I guess I am afraid that if I don’t keep getting good evaluations from others, I will lose my place in the world. I don’t need to be in such a hurry, I can live so happily. I guess I am not thankful enough for the fact that I am still alive today. I am not satisfied with the happiness I have now. Isn’t that an act of disobedience to God’s grace?
 I think the reason why I am becoming less “meddlesome” is not only because of my age, but also because of my conversion to Christianity. I cannot say that I have been born again yet, but I feel that I am getting closer to God little by little. Rather than thinking too much in my head, I try to practice a way of life in which I surrender to God. I am trying to live more freely, relaxing my shoulders and letting others take care of what I can.

 Don’t worry, God loves me!


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