
投稿者: | 2024-02-12








 I always want to keep my mind as calm as possible, and I want to be in a state where I can quickly focus my mind when necessary. But after all, many things happen in life, and we are affected not only by the results of our own actions but also by those of others, and it is difficult to always maintain a calm and normal mind. Even when I wake up in the morning, I don’t know if I was dreaming about something, but I feel extremely anxious or upset. Mental stability is one of my biggest challenges.

 When I am stable, I feel most myself. When I am stable, I have more space to think about one thing from many different directions. When it comes to relationships, it will be easier to be attentive to the feelings of others. I think it means that it will be easier to regain kindness. I think that is what it means to be me.
 In order for this to happen, excessive stress is probably forbidden. An overly busy environment also hinders the relaxation. However, if I stay alone in my room for a long time, doing nothing and not moving, I will feel depressed. I always think that it is really difficult to find the right balance in order to maintain stability. I am the type of person who, when I concentrate on something, my blood rushes to my head and I work so hard that I lose my composure, and when the moment is over, I am mentally and physically drained. I think this is my characteristic or “goodness,” but lately I think it is most important to stay calm and pray to God every day.

 However, I wonder if the person I am when I am relaxed and attentive to various things is the real me. Is the person who can enjoy daily life without worrying about anything in particular the most like me? I feel that I am more like my true self when I am in the midst of a critical moment, when I am mentally trapped. I am the one who can’t afford to mend, and I am the one who seems to be baring my true nature. The me that is moaning in distress and pain is the true me.
 I guess I have two major personalities: the rational me when I am rational and the emotional me when I am emotional. I wonder if the question will become which I am the real me. Will it really be ……?

 I think the ultimate goal is to unify the rational me and the emotional me. I don’t know if it is possible, but ideally it is. I think I have grown a lot in my rational personality, the one that I can control to a certain extent. To say that I am confident would be an overstatement, but I think I can control that side of my personality so that it is stable even if I leave it alone.
 It is always my rambunctious, emotional self that causes instability. I cry, I scream, I’m in trouble. And perhaps this is the real me. I’m selfish like the old “brat,” and I don’t listen to anything adults say. But I think this duality is the mysterious part of who I am. I will continue to struggle with this selfish me, and I will continue to try to achieve this unity of reason and emotion, which may be impossible, while clinging to God. Perhaps, in the end, I will be able to see the true me.

 Both of us, me.


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