Advice to Myself
When I am asked to give advice to others, I try to calmly assess the situation and offer my best advice. And when I convey the ideas I have come up with, I may sound a bit pompous, but I do so with a firm tone and a strong voice. I don’t mean to act, but I try to speak passionately and wholeheartedly in order to inspire and push the person. I feel that in many cases, my actions are helpful to the person being counseled.
However, when it comes to myself, I instantly lose my calm perspective. I can deeply observe others, but when a problem happens to me, I am usually too upset to read the situation. Far from being able to calm down and think of a solution, we only accumulate a terrible amount of stress.
’Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.’ (Matthew 5:44). I think this verse is quite famous. I should aim to live like this verse, but I often have trouble with relationships. I just can’t seem to like people I don’t like. I wouldn’t go so far as to call them enemies, but there are people I just don’t like what they say or do. In a word, they are “physiologically incompatible.
I try to find the good in the person I dislike, and I try to be patient and listen to what he has to say or talk to him casually, but when I hear what he says back, I find myself disliking him more and more. To me, he is quite rare. I wonder if it is impossible to get along with anyone after all. I think the solution for now is to avoid getting involved.
There is a problem that I am often asked by others. It is something like, “There is someone at work that I don’t like and I can’t take it anymore, should I change jobs? In such cases, my response is usually the same. After listening carefully to the person’s story, if I can determine that the problem lies with the “hater,” I will say something like this:
”You are great. You put yourself on the same level as that person. You never look down on that person, even though he or she is doing something that hurts you so badly. If it were me, if there was someone who could not do the natural behavior of ‘don’t hurt others,’ I would feel sorry for him or her and treat him or her with pity. In other words, to put it a little radically, I would look down on that person ‘below’ me as I went along.” Simply put, this is the advice we give.
I suppose it is not good Christianity to “look down on others below you.” All human beings are supposed to be equal under God. I, as a human being, cannot place the same human being above or below me.
However, in order for me to be at peace with the person I dislike, for now, I think the best thing I can do is to do the aforementioned method that I often advise my counselors to do. In order to somehow distract myself from my feelings and go out with him, that is the only way I can find for now. I think I can treat him with pity without looking down on him, but I just think that only God can bestow pity on humans. ……
That bastard is a head case!