とある動揺[An upset]

投稿者: | 2024-03-08







An upset

 Do you ever get sleepy when you concentrate? It’s okay if you just feel sleepy, but I am pushed to sleep and fall asleep with a jerk of my head in a sitting position. I wonder if it has been a few dozen minutes. Probably not more than an hour. I don’t always look at the clock because I don’t intend to sleep and I fall asleep before I know it. This kind of thing happens especially frequently these days. I wonder if it is some kind of illness.
 For some time now, I have been experiencing the phenomenon of falling asleep as soon as I start reading a book. I was not good at reading, and I thought it was just an unconscious rejection of a book, which then manifested itself as sleepiness. However, the same phenomenon began to occur when I tried to write a blog, and although I have been writing every day for more than three years, I have never been so sleepy during the day. I guess I finally hit a dead end in my search for a theme and began to reject it as much as reading. Is it that I have unconsciously come to dislike writing?

 Since I was a little boy, I think, I have been able to sleep anywhere. Some people say they can’t sleep without their own pillow, but I can’t relate to that. I even once fell asleep on a train and had my wallet snatched from my second bag. I was drinking at the time, so there is no comparison, but I can sleep soundly in the waiting room of a doctor’s office, for example, if there is even the slightest chance.
 I wonder if this “special skill” of mine has become more prevalent in my body as I have gotten older. I get plenty of sleep, so lack of sleep is unthinkable. No, it is possible that I am sleeping but not getting a good night’s sleep. Could it be that I am experiencing apnea during sleep and should I try a seapap or something similar?

 Sickness or not, if we think about it in reverse, the phenomenon of falling asleep could be proof that our mind is firmly oriented toward concentrating. A TV program once explained the physiological phenomenon of yawning when one concentrates. At least, it is not a situation where I have too many things to think about and cannot concentrate. I often think too much and my attention wanders.
 If that is the case, I feel it is a welcome relief. I may not have developed a dislike for writing, and even for reading, the possibility arises that drowsiness is not a rejection of my aversion. If I fall asleep, I’m no better off, but maybe I’m one step closer to mastering the motivational focus switch. If true, that’s a big change for me.

 Still, I get terribly sleepy when I am writing my blog. I always let out a deep sigh when I finish writing, and I actually feel tired.
 I could say that I’m losing strength, but I feel that I’m suddenly getting worn out more easily these days. I’ve been skipping my runs, which is probably having an effect on me. Even if I could concentrate, it would be meaningless if I really fell asleep, and I can’t eliminate the possibility that I’m sick. Seriously, I’m tempted to try a little seapap.

 Maybe I’m just sleepy because I’m so full after dinner~.


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