愛と献身[Love and Devotion]

投稿者: | 2024-03-11







Love and Devotion

 I have always admired the way they face one thing straight on. They would not look at anything else, but would try to single-mindedly pursue it. When I was young, if someone was passionate about something and was trying to master it, it was accepted no matter what genre it was. I could want to be like that person.
 Now that I am a Christian, I feel that “one” is limited to faith in the Christian God. It is because I have set my goal to face Christianity earnestly. There are still so many things I don’t understand, I have to read and study the Bible more, and I know I have a hard road ahead of me, but I am willing to take on the challenge.

 The world is littered with publications, videos, and TV programs that try to preach self-help. I have read many such books. I wanted to somehow break out of my current situation and change myself. In the process of doing so, I “reconnected,” so to speak, with Christianity, which I had encountered in high school, and gradually became absorbed in it.
 As I continued my study of the Bible, I began to feel, as I wrote some time ago, that the content of books promoting self-improvement seemed frivolous. There were certainly parts of the book that encouraged me and gave me courage when I read it. I actually attended one of the lectures and heard directly from the author.
 As I read the book, I eventually realized that self-help books, as represented by catchphrases such as “If you believe in yourself and work hard, your dreams will surely come true,” were all about “Go for it!, Go for it! They cleverly cite examples of successful people and explain their destiny, but it is unlikely that my life will be changed by reading them. I feel that it only advises me on the direction to strive for, and that it is nothing more than petty manipulation. I think this is a fundamentally different story from Christianity or any other religion on a different level.

 I want to do my best but I can’t, and I feel ashamed and frustrated, but I look at such truths about myself and think about what I can do even if I am like this. No matter how bad I am, all my sins were redeemed by Jesus’ crucifixion and death on the cross. I will offer all the love and devotion I can to respond to God’s and Jesus’ love. It is my joy to do so. Once again, I thank God for my life today.

 I don’t think that reading a lot of self-help books was ever a bad thing. I came across those books on my wanderings to explore “who I am”. I can throw them away because I experienced them. I think the experience, including the throwing away, has enriched me in one way now. I guess nothing is wasted.
 In any case, one step at a time. I don’t think my life will suddenly and dramatically change. However, I think it is significant that I was baptized. I could say that I have lost my way, or I could say that I have lost my doubts, or at any rate, I think I have been able to start heading straight for it. This may be due to the fact that the thinness of the contents of the book highlighted the beauty of Christianity.

 I’m really glad I got baptized.


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