査定要素[Assessment Factors]

投稿者: | 2024-05-04







Assessment Factors

 Although I was baptized and became a Christian, deep down in my heart, I still feel that I am not fully obedient to God. I feel that my desires still have priority over God. I fear this unidentifiable “presence,” which I call the “darkness of my heart. Like faith, I feel that this darkness is not within my will or control.

 Regardless of what I desire, there are thoughts that spring up spontaneously. One of them is faith. It is not because I want to believe in God, for example, that such a desire arises, but I feel that it is a desire that comes to me naturally, as if it comes down from the heavens, as if it is given to me by God. Of course I want to believe in God. However, I do not feel that my faith will come true because of my efforts.
 On the other hand, the “darkness” always takes over my mind before I know it, and it invades me so easily that I wonder if it is my true nature or if I am a person who came out of the darkness in the first place. The frightening thing is that I have the sense that I myself am familiar with the darkness. Perhaps it is my sense of reason, my sense of morality based on my various experiences, or perhaps it is my faith that is doing its best to suppress my true nature. The darkness is truly powerful, and if I relax even a little, it instantly reverses its control over my mind.

 Who am I, then? Can the rational me be said to be me? Or is the me who reveals my desires the real me? For example, a person who has won a Nobel Prize or a National Medal of Honor must be a great person. A person who can give a great speech at a lecture is respected. The president of a large company may be well-liked. But that is only one aspect of these people.
 I believe that there is a darkness inside each and every one of us. Whether a person is evaluated or not depends on whether or not he or she shows that darkness, which everyone has. A Nobel laureate who can only see one side of himself seems to be a perfect person, but perhaps he does not see himself that way. What I am trying to say is that it is natural that the impression others have of me and the image I have of myself are different. I know the darkness of myself that I do not show to others.

 When I look at others, I often focus on the perspective of how aware they are of the darkness in their own hearts. No, in fact, that may be all I see. As I have few experiences of success, the only part of myself that I can relate to with new people I meet is the darkness. I trust and like people who are aware of how bad they are, or who are exploring how greedy they are.
 I think the darkness is me. Maybe the darkness is the real me. In the Lord, my struggle with the darkness of eternal sin continues. It will continue until I die. I believe that my way out of this struggle has been cut off since I became a Christian. With God and Jesus as my reinforcements, I will fight one day at a time. If you ask me who I am, I believe that the way I fight is who I am at any given moment.

 My darkness is deep.


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