無意識の行動[Unconscious Behavior]

投稿者: | 2024-05-09







Unconscious Behavior

 I usually pray before I start writing this blog. At the very least, I say the “Lord’s Prayer” to calm my mind before I start thinking about the topic. Sometimes I make a mistake in my prayer and say something like, “God, please let me write a good sentence,” and I laugh at myself. That’s how mentally trapped I must be. It is true that there are times when I feel as if God is letting me write, but it is only me who writes, and if I have to ask someone else to do it for me, I guess it is time for me to stop writing.

 I think my state of mind at the time is expressed in the things I do without thinking. I am sometimes surprised when I do something that I would not normally do, or conversely, when I cannot do something that I could normally do. For example, I get quite upset when the “Lord’s Prayer,” which I recite before each meal, sometimes does not appear. I am either tired or unfocused, and what an imperfect being I am when I cannot remember even the words that I must recite several times each day.
 However, when such things happen over and over again, I feel as if I can give up on myself, or forgive myself, or even relax from the unnecessary strength in my shoulders that says, “That’s just the way I am anyway. When you are confronted with your imperfection, you are acutely aware of the limits of your abilities. In the past, I would remind myself that this was not the way to go, and I would imitate myself to once again hammer into my head what I had forgotten. But even so, I have come to realize that I am the one who forgets again. Getting older is not always a bad thing.

 For whatever reason or cause, the crumbling of high pride seems to help me see things more accurately. Above all, it helps us perceive ourselves relatively. Conversely, the world seen through too much pride is distorted. When I try to see the world, my own way of seeing, thinking, and feeling things becomes the standard. In other words, if I see myself in a distorted way, I cannot be an accurate criterion for judgment.
 It is difficult to grasp a single event without considering it from various angles. And in the end, how I feel determines my impression of things. I never stop seeking for that to be the truth of this world. Even if my impressions and judgments are immature, I want them to be at least closer to the truth of all things. In other words, to misjudge things by pride of not admitting one’s imperfection is an act that hinders the path to the truth. To get closer to what I am seeking, that is to say, I have to give up on myself in a positive sense in order to connect with it.

 If I can give up on myself, I will be able to forgive others. Because I can lower the high hurdle that says, “This is how a human being must be. I have not yet completely given up my pride, but I have come to be able to give up on myself to a certain extent, and I realize how biased my view of the world had been. I had only seen a world where only the so-called “strong” lived, and I had kept my eyes away from the socially weak. That was not the me I was looking for.
 I would like a world that does not discriminate people based on whether they are strong or weak, superior or inferior, and so on. But I was unconsciously living on the side of judgment. It is time for me to acknowledge that fact and wake up.

 We always have to think relatively.

無意識の行動[Unconscious Behavior]」への3件のフィードバック

  1. Priti

    Beautifully written! Actually everyone wants that world but unfortunately we can’t get

    1. aRanDy 投稿作成者

      We can’t get it, can we?
      But I can’t stop seeking that kind of world, either.



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