Discipline vs. Freedom
I am 57 years old and was raised by my parents with a fair amount of discipline. When I was a child, my father would kick me quite hard in the abdomen if I bullied my younger sister or brother. I was not allowed to do anything wrong as a human being. I won’t talk today about whether that was a good way of discipline or not, but just as a fact, I believe that a certain amount of strictness was instilled in me.
After I started playing baseball in the fourth grade, I scraped through the rigorous training given to me by my instructors through hard work and perseverance, something I could have done if I had loved baseball. I believe that my foundation as a human being was nurtured in the common sense of taking hard work for granted, although it may still be naive from the perspective of those who lived in the era before me.
And I was not the only one who worked hard. Most children grew up under the same strict discipline and social skills. Of course, there were differences from family to family, but I feel that everyone had respect for their parents and teachers, and were obedient to their superiors.
In a sense, it was an era of uniformity. To put it another way, it was crushing individuality. If you said you didn’t want to go to school, you were called a “weakling,” or you were accused of “why can’t you do the same things as everyone else? Maybe the child was depressed, maybe he had a developmental disorder. But such “illnesses” were not recognized and we had to be strong. Again, I am not going to touch on whether that was a good way to discipline today. However, it seems to me that children back then were generally more cooperative, trying to fit in with everyone else.
Times have changed. Nowadays, children are allowed to have individuality and human rights, and schools are offering special classes for swollen truant children and online classes that can be taken at home. Parents are no longer able to say things out of concern for their fragile children, and discipline is being thrown to the school teachers. The number of teachers is severely decreasing.
Children are not talking to their friends in front of them, but are absorbed in playing games on their smartphones. In addition to such a situation, when I see the drastically decreasing number of children, I fear that Japan will soon disappear. Children will become more and more precious, and they will be carefully cherished and nurtured. It is too much.
I guess we can say that this is a good time. We live in a world where people can earn hundreds of millions of yen through YouTube and SNS if they have special qualities, even if they don’t go to school or can’t communicate with others. We live in an age where diversity is accepted. Even though I know this in my head, it is a bit hard for me to keep up with the old way of thinking.
The other day, I was driving by an elementary school in the morning. An elementary school student who was walking ignored the red light and suddenly jumped in front of my car to cross the pedestrian crossing. An upperclassman who was going to school with the child instantly noticed and gave a yank on his school bag from behind, and the child was pulled back onto the sidewalk. I had assumed that such a thing would happen and slowed down, so there was no problem. I was able to get away with it, and when I looked at the child’s face as I passed by, I saw that he had a big smile on his face. No one was giving him a hard time, and he didn’t feel any danger or wrong. I think the child will probably take off again someday. I hope he doesn’t have an accident. ……
For better or worse, that’s the way things are now. Children have been removed from the confines of a uniform upbringing and are now free. Perhaps it can be said that they have gained the freedom to choose their own way of life. I am not sure if such a change is a good thing or not. But when I was thinking about it, I was reminded fondly of my father’s kick that made me suffer from breathing difficulties.
Is it westernization~?