相容れない人たち[Incompatible People]

投稿者: | 2024-05-20







Incompatible People

 I am the type of person who gets in a bad mood when things don’t go my way, but there are people who are more of a divider, or rather, more forceful than I am, who try to fit everything into their own way of doing things.
 At first, I was observing them from a distance as if I were a stranger to them, but as I gradually became involved, I began to feel repulsed. I could feel the strength of their “mold” of “this is the way it has to be!

 When I see such people, I shudder to think that I may be doing things that bind others without realizing it. If I, who hates being tied up the most, were to do such a foolish thing, I would be truly ashamed of myself. I must be careful.
 But if I shut myself off from others because of such dangers, I will again build a thick wall between myself and others and hide behind it and shut myself in, as before. I will return to my inability to open up. I am reminded once again of the difficulty of living in a relationship.
 Let me return to my original point. I believe that people who try to fit these various events into their own molds often do not mean to offend. They don’t seem to realize the true nature of what they are doing. It feels like they are just saying what they think.
 And they probably don’t care what the people listening to them think. As someone who is always concerned about the way others look at me, I feel a little envious. I would like to live my life with that level of insensitivity, but it is difficult for me, and I would like to be attentive.

 So perhaps if I talk with such people and ask them, for example, “Please don’t talk to me,” they would not understand my true intentions. They are likely to ask why that is wrong, and warn me to the contrary. For them, it might be something they are doing as a service. I think it’s a gap in sensibilities or sensitivity, or perhaps they don’t understand why they are being advised.
 It may not be the fault of any particular person. I think it means that there are so many people with different characteristics. I just have a narrow perspective and am unaware of the existence of such people. There are many different ways of thinking, and many different ideas of common sense.

 But there is also the matter of my personal preference. Do I still have to accept people and their ways of thinking that I physiologically cannot accept? Will peace never come unless we do so? Frankly speaking, I want to keep my distance from people who live only in their own world.
 But if there are such people in the same group and we have to get along with them, do we have no choice but to somehow deceive our true feelings and go along with them? Should the group circle take precedence over personal likes and dislikes? I think that is probably the case. Relationships are difficult, after all.



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