
投稿者: | 2024-05-23








 What am I most afraid of? I have thought about it a lot. In conclusion, I think it is the animal part of me that is out of control. In other words, I am afraid of the real me. I don’t know what I will do and I am not confident in myself at all.
 I think I have changed a little since I became a Christian, maybe largely because I am a rational person. I have been thinking about how I should live my life since I started reading the Bible, but I feel as if I am prepared now that I have been baptized. I have been able to retreat from what I have been thinking and say, “I have no choice but to do it.
 However, my instinctive heart, which is submerged deep down in the depths of my psyche, has not changed, or rather, I feel that it is becoming more wild. When I sing hymns, I suddenly get emotional for no reason, or I get angry at the smallest things, and I am really unable to control my emotions. It may be as if my sensitivity is being sharpened.

 When I wake up in the morning, I can now thank God from the bottom of my heart for the life He has given me today. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, but I am certain that such mornings are becoming more and more frequent. When I am able to be grateful, I feel happiness straight away, not based on logic anymore. I believe that this feeling is also instinctive, not rational. I, who am animal-like, am thankful to God. I don’t know if animals have the heart to be grateful, but I, the animal, feel joy.
 I don’t feel that I have acquired joy, but perhaps “realized” is closer to it. Can I say that I have instinctively become aware of God’s gift? When I think about it, I still feel that humans are a different kind of creature from animals. Animals would not be instinctively grateful to God. Is it possible that the accumulation of trying to believe in God through reason awakens our instincts? Does my morning of gratitude and joy prove this to be the case?

 When I look at video social networking sites, I find myself looking at videos of babies and small children. I am especially drawn to scenes of twins and siblings fighting. I feel as if I am watching the origin of human beings, as their small bodies are filled with emotions such as competitive spirit and fighting spirit, as well as frustration and sadness. It is not something taught to us by someone else, but is an animalistic emotion.
 Watching them, I feel as if I am being reminded of something I had forgotten. When did I become an adult? I hide what I am thinking and try to achieve harmony. If everyone began to live with their instincts exposed, the social order would collapse. However, it is regrettable to think that if we could deal with others honestly with an innocent heart, we might be able to build a pure relationship without any back-and-forth. It would be a waste of time, though, if it turned into a fight.

 It would be ideal for rational beliefs to become instinctive. But is such a thing really possible? It seems a bit like a dream, almost impossible, but I think we need to try to overcome that. If reason and instinct were to come together in me, that might be the time when my journey of self-discovery would be complete. I still can’t imagine such a thing happening, but I think I should live my life with that goal in mind.

 Maybe my instincts haven’t changed since I was a baby. ……


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