悪い例[Bad Examples]

投稿者: | 2024-06-01







Bad Examples

 When I read the Bible, I usually fall asleep. I know this is an unbecoming phenomenon for a Christian, but I think it is also the flip side of the fact that I am concentrating so much on it. It’s a pity, but I can’t help it.
 There are times when I can read well, and when I can do so, I really feel at home. There are many times when I have trouble understanding the meaning, but by the time I finish reading that day, I feel very calm. I think I am often made aware of things. I feel as if something that was unconsciously stuck in my mind comes to the surface of my mind and clears my doubts, as if to say, “So that’s what I was thinking. Or, “This is what I have been struggling with,” and you can get closer to the cause of your hesitation.
 I often use the expression “a book that acts as a mirror of the mind,” and I truly believe that this is true. Whenever I am in a bad mood for unknown reasons or when my mind is disturbed by something unpleasant, I think it is a good idea to read the Bible. I am not the only one who finds that it gives me a special effect.

 Until recently, I used to think of the Bible as a “handbook” for how to live. I thought it contained many “bad examples” and lessons, and an example of how to live like Jesus. I think this is true in some respects. For example, I thought that the law-abiding Pharisees were a bad example and that the book was written to teach the readers not to live like them. I had no doubt that the Pharisees were bad people and I was a good person.
 I have come to believe that the Bible is showing me who I really am through the Pharisees. The “bad example” is me, of which I am unaware. In other words, the Bible reminds me that I am evil and sinful. I am an ignorant villain who thinks he is a good person, and the Bible is a reflection of my true nature.

 It is painful at times. Because maybe I am the person I least want to know, notice, and admit to myself. The more humble I am, the more clearly it outlines itself. But the Bible does more than that; it also gives us a word of command to “do this.” In a real sense, I think that command will resonate in my heart when I am able to accept my true sinful self. For me, that was the starting point, and it took me quite a long time to get there.

 It is not enough to just read the Bible, I still think prayer is necessary. Prayer alone is not enough, but reading the Bible is also required. I really feel that way.
 When I read the Bible, if I think to a character, “This guy is no good,” or “I don’t want to be like him,” then that person is, nine times out of ten, a figure of myself that I don’t want to admit. If you read the Bible with that in mind, you may find a different way to read it. You may find different insights each time you read it. Searching for yourself in the Bible may be one of the most important ways to read the Bible.

 The Bible is falling down on my face!


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