欠点と向き合う[Confront Your Shortcomings]

投稿者: | 2024-06-05







Confront Your Shortcomings

 I don’t mean to sound arrogant, but there are times when I say things, especially to young people, that force my ideas on them. Young people have their own ways of thinking and feeling, and I do not respect them, but rather, I talk to them in a way that negates them. Such behavior only hinders the growth of young people. Adults must support and watch over them so that they can think and act on their own initiative.
 I think it is wrong to start by denying someone’s way of thinking, no matter how wrong you think it is, not only for young people. Let’s listen first. Let’s feel not only the words that are spoken but also the thoughts behind them. Then we can talk about it. Without the minimum level of trust that this person will listen to me, we will only end up arguing. Who would agree to a discussion if they knew they would only be lectured to? No matter what position the other person is in, there must first be respect. A reminder to myself.

 Am I always right in my thinking? Who in the world is judging me? Could it be that that idea I thought was wrong is more correct than my idea? How much do I consider that possibility?
 I know that I want to think that my idea is right. I don’t say that on a whim, but after giving it some thought. But I can’t say that I am always right, can I? What I can do is probably stop at suggestions. I cannot impose my ideas on anyone. I can’t force my ideas on anyone, even my children.

 It is no longer in my power to give advice to anyone and see if they take it. Each person must decide how to live his or her life, and I cannot take on another person’s life. If we do not understand this part of each other well and be independent, I think I will meddle more than necessary. A familiar relationship in which we are not independent of each other will not be good for both of us.
 I also sense the presence of a desire for control in me. The desire to make everyone conform to my ideas. In other words, I don’t like it when many people don’t follow my instructions. I am again aware that I have such a dictatorial mind. I think it is an evil mind. I think everyone has such a mind, although it may vary from person to person, but perhaps mine is relatively strong.

 If I minimize my contact with others, there will be fewer opportunities for me to be reminded of my flaws that cause me to unconsciously impose my opinions and thoughts on others. It would also reduce the pain of digging deeper into flaws I don’t want to see. That may be easier, but is it better? Is that the way I want to live?
 I have decided to live among people, with God and Jesus, and with the Holy Spirit. That means I will not run away from living with this kind of suffering. I must keep thinking. I must keep worrying. I may never find my way in life, but I hope that I will find some hints in my trial and error. After all, it is one day at a time.

 I have to be independent. ……


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