
投稿者: | 2024-06-08








 The Bible that belonged to my former high school teacher who taught me how to read the Bible is in tatters. There are colored markers, lines, and notes all over it, and I dread to think how many times he must have read it over and over again to get it like this. I have not checked, but it seems that he has several Bibles in such a state. He must have read it over and over again, drawing lines, suffering, and praying. I hope I am not misquoting you, but from my point of view, this person is a monster. How could he read a book with so much heart and soul?

 There is an expression “risking one’s life,” and I sense such spirit in this person. No matter how hard I try, I can’t imagine that I would be able to go that far. Perhaps it is not a matter of “trying hard” or something like that.
 There is a book titled “Following Christ” written by Bonheffer, but this book, which my former teacher owns, is also in shambles. It is a very difficult and “heavy” book, and I have tried to read it many times, but I have not been able to get through it. I am not as good as him in terms of academic ability, or in terms of intelligence and knowledge, and there is a huge difference between my attitude toward reading and that of my mentor. But even if you take all these things out of the equation, I feel that this man is living his life with a terrible amount of seriousness. The level of his soul is different from mine.

 When I interact with such a person, he becomes the standard by which I judge others. Sometimes I make the mistake of thinking as if I were that mentor and look down on others.
 I’m not sure if this is a good example, but I often watch surfing videos. When I watch videos of surfers, some of whom I consider to be pros, riding huge waves nimbly and boldly, I mistakenly believe that I can easily ride tubes like them, even though I have never touched a surfboard before. It’s a bit of a stretch, but I really think it’s close to that.

 Shohei Ohtani, an American Major League Baseball player, said to his teammates, “Stop admiring them. I think he meant that no matter how great your opponents are, they are still human beings, and you should not give up on winning because you are afraid of them.
 I wanted to surpass this mentor of mine in high school, but I gave up too early. I realized that I could never be this person no matter how hard I tried. I still think that prediction was correct. But am I not afraid of the outcome that I will probably lose? Even if you decide to become a mentor, have you given up on yourself, thinking that you will fail along the way?
 I am certain that I will never be as good as my mentor. I am too different from him as a human being. But then again, I don’t have to be like my mentor. When I am ready to surpass my mentor and stop yearning for him, I feel that I will be able to meet a new me, not the me of today, not my mentor, not anyone else, but a new me. I think that aspiring to be a mentor is just one of the ways to improve myself, and the important thing is left to my decision whether or not I will seriously aspire to be one, and whether or not I will seriously try to live from now on. I don’t want to run away from this man, and I can’t run away from him.

 If you see that Bible, you’ll freak out!


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