It will be all right.

投稿者: | 2024-06-13







It will be all right.

 I can’t say it well, but I am no longer afraid of dying. It is not that I want to die, nor am I suicidal at all. I just somehow feel that I will have no regrets even if I die at any time. Well, it is very difficult to express myself, and I am afraid that I am not conveying my feelings properly.
 I have every intention of continuing to grow in personality, and I have yet to realize the mission that God has entrusted to me alone. Objectively speaking, if I were to die now, I would be left with nothing but regret. But perhaps I cannot help feeling that I will be fine after death. What makes me feel so secure? Maybe it is because I have come to believe in the existence of an afterlife.

 To be honest, this is not the time for me to be dead. I still have a lot of debts left, and I’m not in a position to afford so much about the rest of my situation, but for some reason, when I thought about death, I naturally smiled. It’s a strange feeling, even for me. Maybe I’m subconsciously escaping from a tough situation in the real world. If I am, I must be losing my mind a little.
 I guess it means that I am happy right now. I haven’t accomplished anything, and I am filled with anxiety about the future, but I feel as if my soul is satisfied. The future I envisioned when I was younger would not have been like this, but I have somehow become content. Whether I die or live, I feel that there is no way I can leave God and Jesus again. So I think it will be all right.

 Even if I am jittery, it won’t change the situation. It is not as if something miraculous will suddenly happen and change the current difficult situation. If we have time to hope for such a dream, we should live one day at a time. We should be grateful for the grace that has given us life today, and focus on living with sincerity. Perhaps the fact that I have come to realize this is what has led to my feeling of “peace of mind after death.

 The other day, I was reading the Book of Genesis in the Bible for the first time in a while. In the famous scene where Abraham is about to offer his son Isaac as an offering to God, I noticed a change in my heart. I used to think that killing Isaac was completely evil and was relieved when his life was spared. I thought to myself, “God is so good to save him in the end.
 This time, however, I unconsciously focused on Abraham and probed his heart. Rather, I felt that Abraham’s act of trying to kill Isaac was natural, and I was convinced of it. I will not think today about the pros and cons of killing one’s own son. It just seemed to me that if it was a direct command from God, Abraham would have had no choice but to obey. That is how strong and deep Abraham’s faith in God was.
 I could not kill my own child even if God directly commanded me to do so. If you say it’s because I don’t have faith, I admit it. If I were Abraham, I would offer my body in place of my child. It is not God’s command, but it is the best I can do right now. If God were willing to do so, I would offer my body, though not willingly. I don’t think I would regret it anymore.

 I really don’t have time to die.

It will be all right.」への8件のフィードバック

          1. aRanDy 投稿作成者

            Wow, it’s great!
            You are professional writer, aren’t you.

          2. Priti

            If you people read my book Then I will certainly be professional now 😁😁 I am a teacher by profession 😀😀


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