本当の願いを探して[Find Your True Wish.]

投稿者: | 2024-06-16




 「心の貧しい人々は、幸いである、天の国はその人たちのものである。」(マタイによる福音書5章 3節)。神さまとイエス様は、欲望に生きようとする私たちを諭し、進むべき道へと誘ってくださる。私にはそう信じられる。人は迷って当たり前であり、欲望を持つ生き物だと思う。だから間違うことがあって当たり前なのだ。繰り返しになるが、そこに気づいた時に私たちがどう変われるかが問われているのだと思う。



Find Your True Wish.

 I feel ashamed of myself for not being able to do many things, and I feel depressed, but I have repeatedly scolded to myself in this way, but I think that “I can’t do it,” is my true self. I have worked so hard at it that I have mistakenly believed in myself, “If I put my mind to it, I should be able to do anything. I was ashamed of not being able to do it. I didn’t want to be ashamed. I think I have been “vain” and have misperceived myself in life.
 I felt that my inability to do something was proof of my “weakness. I blamed myself for not being able to do it because I was mentally weak. I think you are right that I am weak, but there is no need to blame me. Weakness does not = bad. It’s not that “can’t = bad.” I think the question is, “What do you do from there after accepting your weakness? There is nothing better than being able to do it. But even if you can’t, it’s okay.

 I understand how you feel. I want to feel a sense of accomplishment and superiority. I want to make my life better. I want to attract people’s attention, etc. The desires are endless. If you seriously pursue such a goal and then your dream is dashed, it is natural that you would feel quite depressed. That was the case with me.
 But why didn’t I question the very idea of setting such a goal as a goal in the first place? I was compliant with the idea of becoming a person of wealth, fame, and authority that everyone would envy. Although it has faded considerably, that part of me is still there. I struggle with myself to be aware of such desires and the gaze of others. The real enemy to fight is within me.

 Let me say it clearly. Once I say it, I will be prepared for it. The stereotypical ideal image that everyone envies is an illusion. I am just along for the ride because everyone else is saying it is good. You should ask yourself what you really want and how you want to live, and search for your own answers.
 Does the real me want to be rich, famous, or considered successful? I don’t think the darkness in my heart exists because I couldn’t achieve those things. It was born because I realized that I had worked hard all my life for such things and felt a sense of emptiness. Even if I could not achieve those insolent goals, I do not care. The goal itself was wrong to begin with.

 Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:3). God and Jesus admonish us who try to live by our desires and invite us to follow the path we should take. I can believe that. I believe that it is natural for people to be lost and that we are creatures with desires. Therefore, it is natural for us to make mistakes. Again, the question is how we can change when we realize this.
 To put it in an extreme way, all we have to do is to live our lives again as written in the Bible. It is human nature to be unable to do so, and to be drawn back into the world of desire without realizing it. Between the time we live by the Bible and the time we are drawn back to it, which is eternally repeating itself, I hope to extend the time I spend with the Bible, even if it is only little by little.

 It’s weak, and that’s okay.


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